B.C. Employer Training Grant

Last updated on January 9, 2025


The B.C. Employer Training Grant (ETG) is a cost-sharing grant program that funds small, medium and large enterprises to support skills training for their workforces, including prospective new hires. The program helps British Columbians access the skills training required to adapt to the labour market’s changing job requirements, while also encouraging employer involvement in skills training. The Employer Training Grant helps employers pay for training, which in turn helps employees experience increased job security or move into better jobs. Employers can apply as often as they need and receive 80 per cent of the cost of training up to $10,000 per employee, with a maximum annual amount per employer of $300,000.

Eligibility requirements

To be eligible, you must be:

  • An employer or a self-employed individual operating in B.C. 
  • Fully operational for at least one year at the time of application
  • In good standing with the Province

Visit WorkBC’s website for specific program eligibility requirements.


Open and Continuous

The budget for the B.C. Employer Training Grant is fully allocated for the 2024/25 fiscal year. Employers from communities participating in Community Transition tables may still apply for funding. Email ETG@gov.bc.ca to discuss your application.

Applications for the 2025/26 fiscal year open in March 2025.

Visit WorkBC’s website for specific program application periods.


WorkBC is the provincial government's access point to the world of work in B.C. It was created with one key goal – to help all British Columbians to successfully navigate B.C.’s labour market. This program is administered by the Ministry of Post Secondary Education and Future Skills.

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