
The Challenge: Build it and they will come…
To attract visitors and investors, the community needed a highly visible destination that would allow them to provide specialized services to stimulate the local economy.
The Solution: The value of partnership

The three agencies involved in delivering tourism and business services in the community, the Community Economic Development Department for the Revelstoke area, Community Futures Revelstoke and the Revelstoke Chamber of Commerce, partnered with a local development company, the Revelstoke Land and Development Company, to build a new building to house the Revelstoke Tourism and Business Information Centre.
Benefits: First Impressions Count

- The new building presents a very attractive first point of entry to the community and demonstrates that the community values tourism and is committed to providing a high level of service to visitors
- Visitors have received information about attractions and accommodations in the Revelstoke area, encouraging them to extend their stay in the community
- The increased traffic has benefited local hotels and other businesses in Revelstoke
- It is anticipated that a percentage of these visitors will indicate interest in moving to Revelstoke, resulting in increased investment in the community
Outcomes: A Myriad of Visitors
- An increase of over 300% in terms of visitors to the Centre in February 2014 over the previous February
- An increase of 319% in March 2014 over the previous March
Lessons Learned: Ripple Effects

- Cross sector partnerships can produce innovative and unique results tailor-made to meet community needs
- Visitors and investors are attracted by innovation and design
- Increased visitor traffic can have ripple effects, in the short term, benefiting local hospitality and retail trades, and in the long term, attracting investment and new residents