Attracting Key Forestry Investors with Targeted Promotional Materials

Publication date: December 8, 2017

District of Stewart


The Challenge

With recent expansions at Stewart World Port, the town thought it would be wise to update its available investment opportunities and promote the industrial lands available in the District of Stewart. The challenge was to find the most cost-effective method that would target and appeal to investors to yield results.  

The Solution

The town reached out to the Regional District of Kitimat Stikine’s Economic Development Officer for help to promote the industrial land. A promotional brochure, called the Bonilee Investment Opportunity, was designed. Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) helped pay for the cost of the brochure and worked proactively with the regional district to ensure it contained information investors would be looking for.

According to the Stewart Mayor Galina Durant, the brochure was crucial for helping the town sign a lease agreement. “The brochure is beautifully designed, has all the information an investor needs and I’m happy to say we’ve entered into a lease agreement with Stikine Forest.”

Once the brochure was finished, it was sent to a few interested parties, including Stikine Forest Products. Stikine expressed further interest and a lease agreement was signed within a month.

“Stikine Forest Products found the brochure and the assistance of Stewart staff invaluable in our search for a suitable site to meet our log handling and logistics needs,” said Shawn Kenmuir, operations manager, Stikine Forest Products. “The Bonilee Industrial property makes a huge difference for our bottom line, it allows us to sort logs more efficiently and access markets worldwide with our products.”

The brochure was designed with assistance from the NDIT according to a design template used for similar projects by NDIT.  


  • Stewart has benefited financially from the lease agreement, generating funds that can be used on behalf of the town
  • Development of this property helps maintain economic diversity within this resource-dependent community
  • The lease agreement ensures continued traffic through the port


  • Generation of increased revenue to Stewart
  • Job creation and sector stabilization
  • Stimulus of local businesses 

Lessons Learned

  • Sometimes the simplest strategies are the best
  • Having a promotional brochure that is well-designed and contains information honed to your audience is key
  • Small print runs and electronic versions of brochures are often all that are required for effective communications. Costs for large print runs can be avoided.
  • It pays to know your audience. Sending the brochure to parties known to be interested helped bring about an agreement in short order.
Community Snapshot
District of Stewart logo

District of Stewart

Location: Northwestern, B.C.

Economic Base: Deep sea port, mining, logging