Credential Evaluation

Last updated on September 26, 2023

Use the resources below to help you determine if the courses or programs you plan to take abroad will count toward your B.C. credential and will be recognized by your B.C. institution or association.

Academic Credentials

B.C. post-secondary institutions have the authority to recognize the academic courses or programs you take at other institutions. Find out from the B.C. institution you attend whether a course or program is transferrable.

Find out how to get your credentials evaluated:

Job-Related Credentials

In BC, some professions are regulated by professional or trade associations – for example, nursing, medicine and engineering.

Check with the appropriate regulatory authority in BC to determine if a credential from overseas will be recognized and allow you to work in BC without further education and/or training.

Note: The provincial government and/or regulatory authority may also require you to pass an exam before you can work in BC.

Contact information

Please contact the International Education Team for more information.