Review and appeals of teaching certificate decisions

Last updated on January 29, 2024

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Request a Reconsideration of a Decision 

If you apply for a certificate of qualification or an independent school teaching certificate and one of the following outcomes occurs, you can ask the Director of Certification to reconsider the decision:  

  • You are not issued a certificate
  • You are issued a certificate that is different from the certificate for which you applied
  • You are issued a certificate that has a limitation or condition 
  • You are issued a certificate that is later rescinded

To request that the Director of Certification reconsider the outcome of your certification evaluation, complete and submit the Request for Reconsideration form (PDF). You must make your request within 30 days of the date of the evaluation outcome. We will acknowledge your request and give you instructions for the next steps in the reconsideration process.  

Appeal of a Reconsideration Decision 

If you are not satisfied with the reconsideration decision made by the Director of Certification, you can make an appeal to the Commissioner for Teacher Regulation. You must make your appeal within 30 days of the date of the reconsideration decision. The Commissioner will acknowledge receipt of your appeal, give you instructions for the next steps in the appeal process, and conduct a preliminary review.  

Learn more about how to appeal a reconsideration decision