The following are ministry-authorized international languages that have been developed through the provincial Languages Template development process. Please contact the respective school district or copyright holder as listed below for information and copies of the curriculum document.
Arabic 5 to 12 and Introductory Arabic 11
Arabic 5 to 12 IRP (1999)
B.C. Muslim School
Phone: 604-270-2511
Fax: 604-270-2511
Croatian 5 to 12 and Introductory Croatian 11
Croatian 5 to 12 IRP (2009)
School District #41(Burnaby)
Heather Hart, Director of Instruction
5325 Kincaid Street
Burnaby, B.C.
V5G 1W2
Phone: 604-664-8441
Fax: 604-664-8382
Farsi 5 to 12 and Introductory Farsi 11
Farsi 5 to 12 Language Template (2022)
Reno Ciolfi, Assistant Superintendent
School District #43 (Coquitlam)
1080 Winslow Avenue
Coquitlam, B.C.
V3J 0M6
Phone: 604-939-9201
Fax: 604-939-7828
Amir Bajehkian, President
Farsi dar BC
12 Athletes Way
Vancouver, B.C.
V5Y 0C2
Phone: (778) 929-7014
Italian 5 to 12 and Introductory Italian 11
Italian 5 to 12 IRP (2005) (PDF)
Italian Consulate General Education Office
Phone: 604-684-7288 Ext. 222
Fax: 604-685-4263
Korean 5 to 12 and Introductory Korean 11
Korean 5 to 12 Integrated Resource Package (2006)
School District #39 (Vancouver)
Yvonne Eamor, Communications Manager
Vancouver School Board
Phone: 604-713-5074
BC Society for the Advancement of Korean Studies (BCSAKS)
Leslie Fields, Senior Development Officer
Faculty of Education, UBC
Phone: 604-822-0566
Russian 5 to 12 and Introductory 11
Russian 5 to 12 IRP (2009)
Wendy Voykin
School District #20 (Kootenay-Columbia)
720 Seventhe Avenue
Castlegar, B.C.
V1N 1R5
Phone: 250-365-7735
Fax: 250-365-0247