Custom Amortization Calculation Tool

Last updated on February 11, 2025

The Custom Amortization Calculation Tool (Version 1.1) is provided to school district staff to assist with amortization calculations of their choosing.

The Custom Amortization Calculation Tool allows school district staff to:

  • choose their school district and the purpose of the amortization tool (for use in printing headings on schedules),
  • maintain up to 25 classes (five classes per page),
  • enter data for assets and liabilities as far back as 1945/46,
  • enter names for any class,
  • enter amortization periods (in years) for any class,
  • choose whether deemed disposals will be applicable for any class,
  • enter prior period adjustments for any class,
  • enter write-offs and disposals for any class, and
  • print schedules and journal entries starting with 2004/05 fiscal year.

Using the Custom Amortization Calculation Tool

The pulldown menus and grey shaded sections on the form allow for data selection and editing.  These cells (class names, rates, deemed disposals on/off) may be changed from year to year and as such, this tool should not be relied upon as an audit trail.

Tool setup is done by selecting the school district number, entering the purpose of the tool, entering from 1 to 5 classes along with their expected life and the applicability of deemed disposals.  If more classes need to be recorded, up to 5 pages can be set up by selecting the Page dropdown menu.

To enter additions, prior period adjustments, write-offs or disposals, select the database (Capital Assets, for assets, or DCC for liabilities) and database year, enter the new figures into the shaded editing areas, and select the option to save the new data.

Prior period adjustments (if not utilizing the deemed disposal option) must be entered in the year of acquisition in order to calculate amortization in the current period correctly.  Amortization applicable to these transactions can be determined by taking the difference between the accumulated amortization before and after the transaction.

To print a set of journal entries and supporting schedules, select the database, year and print option.  The Tool prints schedules and entries for the year after the year shown in the dropdown year selector.  E.g., to print 2005 Journal Entries and supporting schedules, enter 2004 as the data year and then select Printing All Schedules and Journal Entries.

There are on-screen notes to help get you started--click on the Display Tips button on the screen.


Custom Amortization Calculation Tool
Version 2.1 - coming November 2021

Note: the Tool is not a network application; data is not saved on a server.  If your web browser opens the Tool immediately upon download, you must save the Tool to an appropriate location on your computer's hard disk and work from that location.

System Requirements

Microsoft Excel 2000 or newer is required to run the Custom Amortization Calculation Tool and the Patch.

The Custom Amortization Calculation Tool is a Microsoft Excel workbook.  To run it, macros must be “enabled” in the Excel application.  If you receive an error message, select from the MS Excel menu Tools/Macro/Security..., and set security to “medium” or “low”.  Restart MS Excel.  Launch the tool.

Contact information

Kevin Herkel
School District Financial Reporting Unit
Resource Management Division