School District 36 - Tamanawis Secondary

Last updated on August 9, 2024

Tamanawis Secondary

Project Status: Design

City/Town:  Surrey

Project Scope: The expansion at Tamanawis Secondary will be making space for 575 more students in 23 new classrooms. The addition will include a neighbourhood learning centre that could be used for child care and other local programs that benefit children, their families and the neighbouring communities. Designs for the addition incorporate greenhouse-gas-reduction measures.

Estimated Project Value: $56.5 million

News Release: Expansions provide more spaces for Surrey students


Estimated Project Milestones

Tender and Award: Fall 2025
Construction Initiation:  Fall 2025
Occupancy: Spring 2028

Project Updates

School Construction Progress 

School District Project Contact

Project Manager:  Dave Riley, Executive Director, Capital Project Office    
Contact Number:  604-595-5190