Elevation and relief mapping data

Last updated on June 27, 2024

British Columbia has diverse and mountainous terrain. We collect elevation data and use it to create digital maps of the province's surface land. 

Learn about the techniques we use and get digital elevation imagery for use in projects on the land base.

Review the Base Map Online Store instructions and policies before making an order.

On this page

About the digital elevation model (DEM)

The digital elevation model (DEM) of British Columbia is a three-dimensional representation of the province’s terrain. DEMs are derived from height or elevation data.

The DEM products are available at 1:250,000 scale.

Use the TRIM Tile Locator to identify which TRIM tile map sheet you need:

Get DEM data



This product is a regularly gridded digital elevation model data set for the Province of British Columbia. It is derived from breaklines, areas and mass points. The grid spacing is 25 metres and is created from the 1:20 000 scale Terrain Resource Information Management (TRIM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM). You can purchase a DEM through the Base Map Online Store as a 1:250k mapsheet.

Order TRIM based USGS format DEMs from the Base Map Online Store by selecting the "Gridded DEM (25m resolution) (NTS)" product or open in Google Earth:

 Index grid 1:250,000
 Pixel size 25.0 metres
 Format USGS
 Compression none
 Projection UTM

Gridded CDED format DEM

The gridded DEM map tiles of B.C. are available at a 1:250,000 scale. These tiles contain extra slope, aspect, and hillshade data, all derived from the TRIM 1:20,000 DEM. The data was converted into 1:50,000 grids for distribution. The spacing of the grid points is .75 arc seconds north/south. 

This data is the TRIM DEM converted to the Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED) format. It consists of an ordered array of ground or reflective surface elevations, recorded in metres, at regularly spaced intervals. 

Gridded CDED format DEMs can be downloaded free from the BC Data Catalogue

For the CDED format specification see the documentation available at:


 Index grid NTS 1:250,000
 Pixel size 25.0 metres
 Format CDED
 Compression none
 Projection UTM


Product Cost
TRIM USGS format DEM (25 m detailed resolution) $500
Gridded CDED format DEM (25 m course resolution) Free

About hillshade imagery

Hillshade simulates the shadows cast by the sun on a three-dimensional representation of terrain. Also known as shaded relief images, hillshade images are the most popular way to represent a digital elevation model (DEM).

Conventionally, a hillshade image’s light source is in the upper left corner and the shaded relief is almost exclusively computer-generated.

Get hillshade data


Hillshade images

Hillshade images are maps created from B.C.'s detailed elevation data. This data comes from a grid system called DEM, using the National Topographic System (NTS) at a scale of 1:250,000. Each grid space measures 25 metres across.

The images are made of eight raster products, using different map styles and saved in suitable file formats. The elevation grid is made by connecting points across the land using TRIM mass-points and data about slopes and which direction they face.

Order hillshade imagery from the Base Map Online Store or open in Google Earth:

 Index grid NTS 1:250,000
 Pixel size 25.0 metres
Colour? Yes
 Black and white? Yes
Format TIFF and world file
 Compression none
 Projection BC Albers


Product Cost
Hillshade 1:250K map sheet & various products for hillshade, colourshade, slope, aspect (25 m resolution) $150.00 each

Contact us

B.C.'s elevation data and models are provided by GeoBC.

General enquiries: GeoBCinfo@gov.bc.ca 

Deliveries Courier
3rd Floor, 3400 Davidson Ave
Victoria, BC V8Z 3P8

Mailing Address
Victoria, BC V8W 9M5