Career map for accounting and financial operations

Last updated on March 19, 2025

This career map is for the accounting job family of the finance career group.

Budgeting, financial analysis and reporting is also part of this group. 

Review this career map

On this page

Accounting is a system of recording, verifying, calculating, balancing, reporting and processing financial transactions and information.

Within the BC Public Service these activities are carried out within International Financial Reporting Standards/Public Sector Accounting Board (IFRS/PSAB), and within the requirements of Treasury Board and the Office of the Comptroller General.

Positions in this job family range from carrying out or overseeing operational or transactional functions to developing financial policies and controls and attesting to the overall financial management and health of an organization.

Many positions in government perform a mix of:

  • Budgeting (review the career map for budgeting)
  • Accounting
  • Reporting
  • Other financial management responsibilities (such as procurement)

Possibilities for growth and opportunity

From an entry level position, growth is possible up through budgeting and financial management roles.

Opportunities are also available for employees to use their foundation of experience, access additional learning and pursue a career in a variety of senior ministry or corporate financial or program management roles.

Diversity of environments

All organizations in the BC Public Service carry out operational accounting as part of general office management or within a centralized ministry service.

Most centralized service and accountant roles are found in Victoria.

Overview of the career path tables

  • Moving from left to right on the career path tables below, the numbers in the titles (such as 'Clerk 15') represent increasing levels of responsibility and complexity. These numbers are grid levels and are linked to a salary grid.
  • Grid levels are assigned to positions based on a comparison of job content and organizational structure, to a set of criteria laid out in the Public Service Job Evaluation Plan (PSJEP)
  • Technical competencies identified within each level align directly with the corporate learning provided by the Corporate Learning Branch

  • Management or excluded positions are assigned by BAND 1 through BAND 6
    • Compensation targets are identified for individual positions within salary bands

Resource: Financial Management Competencies, Abilities, Skills, Knowledge (CASK) Framework (IDIR restricted)

Career paths for financial operations and accounting clerks (grid ranges 9, 11, 15)


Career paths for financial analysts and team leads (grid ranges 15, 18, 21, 24)


Career paths for corporate financial policy analyst, manager/director and chief financial officer (grid ranges 27, 30, bands 1 to 5)