About the Safety Standards Appeal Board

Last updated on June 7, 2024

The Board hears appeals under the Safety Standards Act, the Homeowner Protection Act and the Building Act.

Appeals under the Safety Standards Act

The Board hears appeals of decisions made under the Safety Standards Act by provincial safety officers and provincial safety managers.  These decisions relate to work and products regulated by the Safety Standards Act and its associated regulations, including adopted codes and standards.  Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of receipt of the decision under appeal.

Appeals under the Homeowner Protection Act

The Board hears appeals of decisions made by the Registrar of BC Housing - Licensing and Consumer Services made under the Homeowner Protection Act.   These decisions relate to the licensing and warranty requirements set out in the Homeowner Protection Act.   Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of receipt of the decision under appeal.

Appeals under the Building Act

The Board hears appeals of decisions made by the Registrar designated under section 12 of the Building Act with respect to administrative penalties issued under section 23 of the Building Act.  These decisions relate to the registration of qualified building professionals as required by the Building Act.  Appeals must be filed with the Board within 30 days of receipt of the decision under appeal.

Contact information

Safety Standards Appeal Board

Unit 1270 - 605 Robson Street Vancouver, BC
Unit 1270 - 605 Robson Street Vancouver, BC V6B 5J3