Geotechnical Engineering Services

Last updated on June 26, 2024

Contact the following for specific information about geotechnical, materials and pavement engineering for the highway system in British Columbia.

Phone Number Name Title
250 645-9619 Brent Case A\Director, Geotechnical Engineering
236 468-1975 Mike Dowdle Manager, Rockwork Engineering
250 645-9625 Satish Prasad Provincial Aggregate Manager
236 468-1976 David Gerraghty Manager, Design, Materials & Standards
236 468-1964 Scott Cosman Lead Geotechnical Engineer, Materials & Standards
778 362-4508 Tom Kneale Manager, Design, Geohazards & Stability
250 645-9620 Heidi Evensen Lead Geotechnical Engineer, Geohazards & Stability
250 645-9622 Gord Hunter A\Manager, Design & Foundations
250 615-4889 Eric Constantinescu A\Lead Geotechnical Engineer, Foundations
250 888-0073 Mike Oliver Manager Design & Major Projects









Contact information

For general information about geotechnical, materials and pavement engineering contact:
