Bringing your boat to B.C.

If you’re bringing your boat from out-of-province, contact the Provincial Program at to determine if your boat is HIGH-RISK and should be decontaminated for possible zebra or quagga mussels before launching it in B.C. waters. Do not launch the boat into any B.C. waters until you have received instruction from a B.C. Provincial Aquatic Invasive Species Inspector. 

Contact the Provincial Program

Our inspection stations will be stopping and inspecting all boats entering the province. We request notifications of all boats that are being brought to B.C. to streamline the process and reduce your travel time.

The information we require is:

  • Where the boat is coming from 
  • Destination location
  • Contact information (either owner, hauler/driver or destination location)
  • Type of boat

Watercraft decontaminations are free and Provincial inspectors can inspect watercraft upon arrival to ensure they are clean before launching in B.C. waters. Advanced notification will help streamline this process.

If you are transporting a watercraft in B.C., it is a mandatory requirement that you stop and report to all invasive mussel inspection stations along your travel route.

Transporting live or dead Zebra/Quagga mussels into B.C. is a federal and provincial offence and those in possession of the infested watercraft will be liable.

Help us keep B.C. waterways clear of Zebra and Quagga mussels. Report any boats you suspect to be carrying invasive mussels that may be travelling from out-of-Province to the RAPP line (1-877-952-7277).

Low Risk Watercraft

  • Watercraft that have only been used within British Columbia or other non-contaminated provinces or states and are found to be clean, drain, dry and free of mud, debris, plants or any other AIS. Zebra and quagga mussels have not been detected in British Columbia, (see the US Geological Survey map for current North American distribution).  
  • To prevent the spread of other AIS within B.C. boaters should practice Clean, Drain and Dry.

High Risk Watercraft

  • Any watercraft or equipment that has been launched in any waters of a province or state known or suspected of having zebra or quagga mussels in the past 30 days (see the US Geological Survey map for current North American distribution).
  • Or any watercraft or equipment that is coming or is registered to a state / province that has zebra or quagga mussel infestations and is not clean, and to the extent practical, drained and dry.
  • Or any watercraft that is dirty, crusty or slimy with the potential risk of transporting other AIS.