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Petroleum Geology Open File 2003-4
Exploration Assessment of Deep Devonian Gas Plays, Northeastern British Columbia
By Petrel Robertson Consulting Ltd.
Report ( 9MB)
Map 1: Index Map ( 2.2MB)
Map 2: Upper Chinchaga Formation, Gross Isopach ( 400KB)
Map 3: Upper Chinchaga Formation, Porosity and Paleogeography ( 5.2MB)
Map 4: Keg River Formation, Gross Isopach ( 5MB)
Map 5: Upper Keg River, Porosity and Paleogeography ( 550KB)
Map 6: Muskeg Formation, Gross Isopach ( 400KB)
Map 7: Sulphur Point Formation, Gross Isopach ( 550KB)
Map 8: Sulphur Point, Porosity and Paleogeography ( 550KB)
Map 9: Slave Point Formation, Gross Isopach ( 2MB)
Map 10: Slave Point, Porosity and Paleogeography ( 4.2MB)
Map 11: Magnetic Field Intensity and Structural Elements ( 3.5MB)
Cross-Section I-I' ( 2.7MB)
Cross-Section II-II' ( 2.6MB)
Cross-Section III-III' ( 2.9MB)
Cross-Section IV-IV' ( 4.2MB)
Cross-Section V-V' ( 4.1MB)
Cross-Section VI-VI' ( 2.5MB)
Cross-Section VII-VII' ( 2.7MB)
Cross-Section A-A' ( 3.6MB)
Cross-Section B-B' ( 3.7MB)
Cross-Section C-C' ( 2.5MB)
Cross-Section D-D' ( 2.5MB)
Cross-Section E-E' ( 1.8MB)
Cross-Section F-F' ( 1.4MB)
Poster: Fault-associated hydrothermally-dolomitized reservoirs (HTD) in Devonian strata of northeastern British Columbia: A large-scale geological exploration concept. ( 56MB)
For questions or more information on oil and gas geoscience in British Columbia please contact