Deemed Authorizations

Last updated on November 26, 2024

Order in Council No. 134, the Mines Act Permit Regulation, establishes that certain mining exploration activities are deemed authorized under an existing Mines Act permit. These activities include:

  • Induced polarization (IP) surveys using exposed electrodes where an exploration permit is held;
  • Mineral or coal exploration drill programs and IP surveys in the permitted area of disturbance of a producing mineral or coal mine that is currently operating; and 
  • Extending the term of mineral or coal exploration activities by up to two years. 

Purpose of the Regulation

The purpose of the regulation is to allow these activities to proceed without the need to obtain a further Mines Act permit or permit amendment because the proposed activities pose a very low health, safety or environmental risk when carried out under an existing Mines Act permit.

Proponents are required to notify the ministry prior to undertaking an activity that is deemed authorized. All proponent notifications must be submitted through FrontCounter BC. Further information and assistance is available: