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Geoscience BC is an independent, non-profit organization that generates earth science in collaboration with First Nations, local communities, governments, academia and the resource sector. Its independent earth science enables informed resource management decisions.
Publications and activity resulting from Geoscience BC projects. Product links are to those hosted by the BC Geological Survey (BCGS), Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) and Geoscience BC (GBC) websites.
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2020: Minerals | Report 2021-01 | |
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2020: Energy and Water | Report 2021-02 | |
Maps series of Surficial Geology, Drift Thickness and Till Sampling Suitability for NTS map sheets 093J03/04, 093K09/16, 093O03/04 | Report 2021-03 | |
Logging SEDAR: a review of the contributions of NI 43-101 reports to public geoscience data | Report 2021-04 | |
Geochemical and Indicator Mineral Data from a Regional Bulk Stream-Sediment Survey, Boundary District, South-Central British Columbia | Report 2021-05 | |
Garibaldi Geothermal Energy Project – Phase 1 – Final Report | Report 2021-08 | |
Geochemical Reanalysis of Archived Till Samples CICGR Surficial Exploration Project Interior Plateau North Central BC | Report 2021-09 | |
Assessment of Fugitive Natural Gas on Near-Surface Groundwater Quality | Report 2021-10 | |
Understanding & Mitigating Induced Seismicity Risk in the Kiskatinaw Area BC | Report 2021-12 | |
Golden Triangle Geophysics Data Compilation Project Summary | Report 2021-15 |
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2019: Minerals | Report 2020-01 | |
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2019: Energy and Water | Report 2020-02 | |
Microbial-Community Fingerprints as Indicators for Buried Mineralization in British Columbia | Report 2020-03 | |
A geochemical investigation of halogens in spruce treetops and integration with existing multi-element data – Blackwater/TREK regions, Central British Columbia (NTS 093C, 093F) | Report 2020-04 | |
Vancouver Island North Regional Project – Airborne Magnetic and Radiometric Survey | Report 2020-05 | |
Mineral-Resource Prediction Using Advanced Data Analysis and Machine Learning of the QUEST-South Stream-sediment Geochemical Data, Southwestern British Columbia (Parts of NTS 082, 092) | Report 2020-06 | |
Real-time analysis of soil gas for carbon dioxide and oxygen to identify bedrock mineralization and geological faults beneath glacial deposits in central British Columbia | Report 2020-07 | |
Assessing Porphyry Copper Deposit Fertility in British Columbia Batholiths using Zircons | Report 2020-08 | |
The Garibaldi Volcanic Belt Geothermal Energy Project – Mount Meager 2019 Field Program | Report 2020-09 | |
Producing Clean Coal Samples from Western Canadian Coalfields Using the Water-Based Roben Jig Process | Report 2020-10 | |
Digitizing British Columbia’s Geological Heritage | Report 2020-11 | |
Statistical Assessment of Operational Risks for Induced Seismicity from Hydraulic Fracturing in the Montney, Northeast BC | Report 2020-12 | |
The Carbon Mineralization Potential of Ultramafic Rocks in British Columbia: A Preliminary assessment | Report 2020-15 |
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2018: Minerals and Mining | Report 2019-01 | |
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2018: Energy and Water | Report 2019-02 | |
Geology of the Pentiction Map Sheet (east half) NTS 082E/01/02/07/08/09/10/15/16 | Map 2019-04 | |
Producing Clean Coal from Western Canadian Coal Fields using the Water-based Roben Jig: Refining the Process | Report 2019-05 | |
Understanding and Mitigating Induced Seismicity Risk in the Kiskatinaw Area, BC | Project 2019-005 | |
Quantification of the Gas and Liquids and Flow Characteristics of Shale and other Fine-Grained Facies in Western Canada | Report 2019-06 | |
Open File 2019-07 | Bedrock geology, Search Phase I project area, western Skeena arch, west-central British Columbia | Map 2019-03-01 |
Open File 2019-08 | Aeromagnetic correlation with bedrock geology, Search Phase 1 project area, western Skeena arch, west-central British Columbia | Map 2019-03-02 |
An Exploration Framework for Porphyry to Epithermal Transitions in the Toodoggone Mineral District (94E) | Report 2019-08 | |
Clarke Lake Geothermal Pre-Feasibility Study | Report 2019-11 | |
BCNGA Database Current to October 30, 2019 | Report 2019-12 | |
Mineral Mapping Using Aster Data, Search Phase I Project Area, Western Skeena Arch, West-Central British Columbia, NTS 093L and 103I | Map 2019-03-03 | |
South Meager Geothermal Project: New Perspectives from Recently Unearthed Data | Report 2019-07 |
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2017: Minerals and Mining | Report 2018-01 | |
Search III Project - Airborne Magnetic and Radiometric Survey | Report 2018-02 | |
Producing Clean Coal from Western Canadian Coal Fields using the Water-based Roben Jig | Report 2018-03 | |
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities: Energy | Report 2018-04 | |
Enhancing Geochemical Precision by Analyzing the Clay Fraction in Till: Cost-Benefit Study from the TREK Project Area, British Columbia | Report 2018-05 | |
Processing and inversion of SkyTEM data leading to a hydrogeological interpretation of the Peace River North Western Area | Report 2018-06 | |
Advanced processing of the TREK Project geochemical data: Identifying and Enhancing geochemical anomalies in the TREK project area using sediment transport modelling combined with multimedia and multivariate data analysis | Report 2018-07 | |
Peace area project - Comparison of resistivity gamma and geological logs with airborne EM inversions | Report 2018-08 | |
Merging Geological, Seismic Reflection and Magnetotelluric Data in the Purcell Anticlinorium, Southeastern British Columbia | Report 2018-09 | |
Adding Value to Regional Till Geochemical Data through Exploratory Data Analysis, TREK Project Area, Central BC: Final results | Report 2018-10 | |
Geology of the Greenwood Map Sheet NTS 082E/02 | Report 2018-11 | |
Geoscience BC Peace Project: Final Report | Report 2018-13 | |
Integrated Assessment of Regional Stream-Sediment Geochemistry for Metallic Deposits in Northwestern British Columbia (Parts of NTS 093, 094, 013, 014), Canada | Report 2018-14 | |
A Compilation of Quality Control Data from Geoscience BC RGS Initiatives | Report 2018-15 | |
Mapping the Susceptibility to Amplification of Seismic Ground Motions in the Montney Play Area of Northeast British Columbia | Report 2018-16 | |
Techno-Economic Assessment of Geothermal Energy Resources in the Sedimentary Basin in Northeastern British Columbia | Report 2018-18 | |
Clarke Lake Gas Field Reservoir Characterization | Report 2018-19 | |
Identification and Evaluation of New Resource Oil Plays in Northeast British Columbia's Portion of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin | Report 2018-20 |
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Summary of Activities 2016, Geoscience BC Report 2017-01 | Report 2017-01 | |
Basal till potential for the Anahim Lake (NTS 093C/06), Satah Mountain (NTS 093C/07), Downton Creek (NTS 093C/10), Christensen Creek (NTS 093C/11), Carnlick Creek (NTS 093C/14), Kushya River (NTS 093C/15) map areas, British Columbia | Report 2017-02 | |
Open File 2017-02 | Basal till potential of the Anahim Lake map area (NTS 093C/06), British Columbia | Map 2017-02-01 |
Open File 2017-03 | Basal till potential of the Satah Mountain map area (NTS 093C/07), British Columbiaa | Map 2017-02-02 |
Open File 2017-04 | Basal till potential of the Christensen Creek map area (NTS 093C/11), British Columbi | Map 2017-02-03 |
Open File 2017-05 | Basal till potential of the Downton Creek map area (NTS 093C/10), British Columbia | Map 2017-02-04 |
Open File 2017-06 | Basal till potential of the Carnlick Creek map area (NTS 093C/14), British Columbia | Map 2017-02-05 |
Open File 2017-07 | Basal till potential of the Kushya River map area (NTS 093C/15), British Columbia | Map 2017-02-06 |
Search Phase II Airborne Magnetic and Radiometric Survey | Report 2017-03 | |
2016 Regional Geochemical Survey (RGS) Sample Reanalysis Project (Parts of NTS 082G, 082J, 092N, 093E, 093H, 103O, 103P and 104N) | Report 2017-04 | |
Bedrock Geology, TREK Project Area, Northern Interior Plateau, Central British Columbia | Report 2017-06 | |
Direct-Use Geothermal Resources in British Columbia: Follow-up Project | Report 2017-07 | |
Constraints on the Metallogeny and Geochronology of the Bridge River Gold District and Associated Intrusions, southwestern British Columbia (NTS 092J/15) | Report 2017-08 | |
Hughes Range Paleomagnetic Study: Paleomagnetic evidence for extreme block faulting east of the Rocky Mountain Trench near Kimberley, BC | Report 2017-09 | |
Geology of the Christian Valley Map Sheet (NTS 082E/10) | Map 2017-10 | |
Halogens and Other Volatile Compounds in Surface Sample Media as Indicators of Mineralization. Part 1: Lara VMS Deposit, Vancouver Island, BC | Report 2017-11 | |
Halogens and Other Volatile Compounds in Surface Sample Media as Indicators of Mineralization. Part 2: Mount Washington Epthermal Au-Cu-Ag Prospect, Vancouver Island, BC | Report 2017-12 | |
Rapid, Field-Based Hydrogeochemical-Survey Analysis and Assessment of Seasonal Variation Using a Field-Portable Photometer and Voltammeter, Marmot Lake NTS Area, South-Central British Columbia (NTS 093B/13) | Report 2017-13 | |
TREK Project Area Gravity Compiliation, Enhancement Filtering & Structure Detection | Report 2017-14 | |
Orogenic gold mineralization of the eastern Cordilleran gold belt, British Columbia: Structural ore controls in the Cariboo (093A/H), Cassiar (104P) and Sheep Creek (082F) mining districts | Report 2017-15 | |
Northeast BC Sonic Log Drilling Project Physical Log Descriptions and Interpretations | Report 2017-16 | |
Summary Report on Proposed Water Well Locations for Halfway River First Nation Area | Report 2017-17 | |
Petrophysical Interpretation on Six Shallow Wells in the Peace Region of BC | Report 2017-18 |
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Summary of Activities 2015, Geoscience BC Report 2016-01 | Report 2016-01 | |
Airborne Magnetic Survey Report; Search Project, 2015 Survey Area | Report 2016-02 | |
SkyTEM Survey: British Columbia, Canada; Data Report | Report 2016-03 | |
Interpretation of Quaternary Sediments and Depth to Bedrock Through Data Compilation and Correction of Gamma Logs | Report 2016-04 | |
Tree-Top Sampling Program May Help Uncover New Mineral Deposits in B.C. | Report 2016-05 | |
Detrital gold Grains as Indicators of Alkalic Copper-Gold Porphyry Mineralization | Report 2016-06 | |
Direct-Use Geothermal Resources in British Columbia | Report 2016-07 | |
Geology of the Almond Mountain Map Sheet (082E/07) | Report 2016-08 | |
Processing and Inversion of SkyTEM data | Report 2016-09 | |
A Geo-Exploration Atlas of the Mount Polley Porphyry Copper-Gold District | Report 2016-10 | |
Distribution and Nature of the Eocene Ootsa Lake Group in the Chilcotin Plateau, parts of Quesnel and Anahim Lake map sheet (NTS 092B & 093C), central British Columbia | Report 2016-12 | |
2015 Horn River Basin Surface Water Monitoring Program - Final Report | Report 2016-13 | |
Curie Point Depth Mapping Pilot Study in Northwest British Columbia | Report 2016-14 | |
Surficial Geochemical Exploration Data for British Columbia Porphyry Copper Deposits | Report 2016-15 | |
New Interpretation of Magnetic Data in Northeast BC | Report 2016-17 | |
Peace Area Project - Well Selection for Testing Geological Model based on Gamma and Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Studies | Report 2016-18 | |
Mud Volcanoes in the Purcell Basin and Their Relevance to Middle Proterozoic Massive-Sulphide Ag-Pb-Zn Deposits, Southeastern British Columbia | Report 2016-19 |
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2014 | Report 2015-01 | |
Investigation of Tree Sap as a Sample Medium for Regional Geochemical Exploration in Glacial Sediment Covered Terrains: A Case History from the Endako area, North-Central British Columbia (NTS 093F/14,15; 093K/02,03) | Report 2015-02 | |
Characterization of Belloy and Debolt Water Disposal Zones in the Montney Play Fairway, Northeast British Columbia (NTS 093P, 094A,B,G,H) | Report 2015-03 | |
Catchment Analysis Applied to the Interpretation of New Stream Sediment Data from Northern Vancouver Island (NTS 102I and 092L) | Report 2015-04 | |
Historical Data Exploration Capture Pilot Project, Northwestern British Columbia (NTS 093L) | Report 2015-06 | |
A Geo-exploration Atlas of the Endako Porphyry Molybdenum District (FINAL VERSION) (NTS 093K) | Report 2015-08 | |
Geochemical Reanalysis of Archived Till Samples, TREK Project, Interior Plateau, central BC (parts of NTS 093C, 093B, 093F, 093K) | Report 2015-09 | |
Preliminary Geological Map of the TREK Project Aea, Central British Columbia (NTS 093B,C,F,G) | Report 2015-10 | |
Economic Viability of Selected Geothermal Resources in British Columbia (18 sites) | Report 2015-11 | |
Regional Geochemical and Mineralogical Data - TREK Project Year 2, Interior Plateau, British Columbia (NTS 093B,C,F,G) | Report 2015-12 | |
New Information for Gold Explorers in Southeastern British Columbia/The Structural Controls of the Kimberley Gold Trend (parts of 082F and 082G) | Report 2015-13 | |
Characterization of Belloy and Debolt Water Disposal Zones in the Montney Play Fairway, Northeast B.C., Phase 2 (Parts of NTS 094A,B,G,H) | Report 2015-14 | |
Toward an Improved Basis for Beneath-Cover Mineral Exploration in the QUEST Area, Central British Columbia: New Structural Interpretation of Geophysical and Geological Datasets (NTS 093A,B,G,H,J,K,N) | Report 2015-15 | |
Tracing the Source of Anomalous Geochemical Patterns in Soil, Water and Seepage Gas near the Nazko volcanic Cone, central British Columbia (NTS 093B/13) | Report 2015-16 | |
Rapid Surface Water Analysis for Mineral Exploration/Use of a Field Portable Photometer for Rapid Geochemical Analysis of Stream and Spring Waters: A Case History from Poison Mountain, British Columbia (NTS 092O/02) | Report 2015-17 |
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2013 | Report 2014-01 | |
Subsurface Aquifer Study to Support Liard Basin Unconventional Gas and Oil Development, Northeastern B.C. (NTS 94J, K, N, O) | Report 2014-02 | |
Regional Stream Sediment Geochemical Data, Sample Reanalysis (INAA), Northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia | Report 2014-03 | |
Fixed Wing Magnetic Geophysical Survey, TREK Project, Interior Plateau/Nechako Region, British Columbia | Report 2014-04 | |
Acquired Heliborne High Resolution Aeromagnetic Surveys in the Blackwater District, TREK Project Area | Report 2014-05 | |
Open File 2014-06 | Basil till potential of the Clusko River map area (NTS 093C/09), Interior Plateau, TREK Project, British Columbia | Report 2014-06 Map 2014-06-01 |
Open File 2014-07 | Basil till potential of the Clisbako River map area (NTS 093B/12), Interior Plateau, TREK Project, British Columbia | Report 2014-06 Map 2014-06-02 |
Open File 2014-08 | Basil till potential of the Marmot Lake map area (NTS 093B/13), Interior Plateau, TREK Project, British Columbia | Report 2014-06 Map 2014-06-03 |
Open File 2014-09 | Basil till potential of the Toil Mountain map area (NTS 093C/16), Interior Plateau, TREK Project, British Columbia | Report 2014-06 Map 2014-06-04 |
Open File 2014-10 | Basil till potential of the Suscha Creek map area (NTS 093F/01), Interior Plateau, TREK Project, British Columbia | Report 2014-06 Map 2014-06-05 |
Open File 2014-11 | Basil till potential of the Coglistiko River map area (NTS 093G/04), Interior Plateau, TREK Project, British Columbia | Report 2014-06 Map 2014-06-06 |
Open File 2014-12 | Basil till potential of the Pelican Lake map area (NTS 093G/05), Interior Plateau, TREK Project, British Columbia | Report 2014-06 Map 2014-06-07 |
Open File 2014-13 | Basil till potential of the Euchiniko River map area (NTS 093F/08), Interior Plateau, TREK Project, British Columbia | Report 2014-06 Map 2014-06-08 |
Open File 2014-14 | Basil till potential of the Chilako River map area (NTS 093G/12), Interior Plateau, TREK Project, British Columbia | Report 2014-06 Map 2014-06-09 |
Open File 2014-15 | Basil till potential of the Hulatt map area (NTS 093B/13), Interior Plateau, TREK Project, British Columbia | Report 2014-06 Map 2014-06-10 |
Geology of the Mount Polley Intrusive Complex (Final Version) | Report 2014-08 | |
Geoscience Map 2014-01 | Surficial geology of the Nadina River area (NTS 093E/15), British Columbia | Report 2014-09 Map 2014-09-01 |
Geoscience Map 2014-02 | Surficial geology of the Colleymount map area (NTS 093L/01), British Columbia | Report 2014-09 Map 2014-09-02 |
Regional Geochemical and Mineralogical Data, TREK Project, (NTS 093B,C,F,G) Interior Plateau, British Columbia | Report 2014-10 | |
Geochemical Expression in Soil and Water of Carbon Dioxide Seepages near the Nazko Volcanic Cone, Interior Plateau, central BC (NTS 093B/13) | Report 2014-11 | |
Geologically-Constrained Gravity and Magnetic Earth Modelling of the Nechako-Chilcotin Plateau, British Columbia, Canada (NTS 09B,C,F,G) | Report 2014-12 |
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Summary of Activities 2012 | Report 2013-01 | |
Heliborne High Resolution Aeromagnetic Survey: Northern Vancouver Island, BC | Report 2013-02 | |
Heliborne High Resolution Aeromagnetic Survey: QUEST-Northwest Project Area, BC, Block 3 | Report 2013-03 | |
Lardeau (NTS 082K) Sample Reanalysis (ICP-MS) | Report 2013-04 | |
Iskut River Area Geology, Northwest BC (104B/08, 09, 10 & part of 104B/01, 07, 11) | Report 2013-05 | |
McLeod Lake (NTS 093J) Sample Reanalysis (INAA) | Report 2013-06 | |
Geology of the Burrell Creek Map Sheet (NTS 82E/09) | Report 2013-07 | |
Ice Flow Patterns in NTS 093GH (west half) and J, and Detailed Ice Flow History for NTS 093J/05,06,11,12,13 and 14 | Report 2013-08 | |
Nelson (NTS 082F) Sample Reanalysis (ICP-MS) | Report 2013-09 | |
Terrain Maps in the McLeod Lake Map Area (NTS 93J) | Report 2013-10 | |
Regional Stream Sediment and Water Geochemical Data, Northern Vancouver Island (NTS 92K,L, 102I) | Report 2013-11 | |
Northern Vancouver Island Till Sample Reanalysis (ICP-MS) | Report 2013-12 | |
Leveraging International Earth Science Standards to Enhance Mineral Exploration Success in British Columbia | Report 2013-13 | |
Linking Porphyry Deposit Geology to Geophysics via Physical Properties: Adding Value to Geoscience BC Geophysical Data (NTS 93E, 93K, 93L, 93M, 93N) | Report 2013-14 | |
Drift Prospecting for Porphyry Copper-Gold, Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Mineralization and Precious and Base Metal Veins within the QUEST Project area, Central British Columbia (NTS 093J) | Report 2013-15 | |
Geochemical Techniques for Detection of Blind Porphyry Copper-Gold Mineralization under Basalt Cover, Woodjam Property, South-Central British Columbia (NTS 093A/03,06) | Report 2013-17 | |
Examining Present and Future Water Resources for the Kiskatinaw River Watershed, British Columbia | Report 2013-19 | |
Use of Organic Media in the Geochemical Detection of Blind Porphyry Copper-Gold Mineralization in the Woodjam Property Area, South-Central BC (NTS 093A/03, 06) | Report 2013-20 | |
Stimulating Exploration in the East Kootenays (SEEK): The Updated East Kootenay Gravity Database (EKGDB) and the 2013 St. Mary Gravity Survey | Report 2013-23 |
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Summary of Activities 2011 | Report 2012-01 | |
QUEST-Northwest Block 1 Airborne Magnetic Survey, British Columbia | Report 2012-02 | |
QUEST-Northwest Block 2 Airborne Magnetic Survey, British Columbia | Report 2012-03 | |
Results from a Pilot Airborne Electromagnetic Survey, Horn River Basin, British Columbia | Report 2012-04 | |
QUEST-Northwest Sample Reanalysis (ICP-MS) (NTS 104K) | Report 2012-05 | |
QUEST-Northwest Sample Reanalysis (INAA) (NTS 104F & G) | Report 2012-06 | |
QUEST-Northwest Regional Geochemical Data, Northwestern British Columbia (NTS 104F, G, H, I & J) | Report 2012-07 | |
Open File 2012-04 | Dease Lake - Little Tuya River Geology (NTS 104J/08 and 07E) | Report 2012-08 |
Horn River Basin Aquifer Characterization Project Phase 2: Geological Report (NTS 94I, 94J, 94O & 94P) | Report 2012-09 | |
Open File 2012-06 | Mesozoic Magmatism and Metallogeny of the Hotailuh Batholith, Northwestern British Columbia (NTS 104I/03,04; Parts of 104I/05,06, 104H/13,14) | Report 2012-10 |
Till Geochemistry and Clast Lithology Studies of the Bulkley River Valley, West-Central British Columbia (NTS 93L) | Report 2012-11 | |
Stimulating Exploration in the East Kootenays (SEEK Project): East Kootenay Gravity Database | Report 2012-12 | |
Subsurface structure of the eastern Nechako Basin from coincident three-dimensional tomographic velocity and reflection data (Parts of NTS 093B,C,F,G) | Report 2012-13 | |
Modelling and investigation of airborne electromagnetic data, and reprocessing of vibroseis data, from Nechako Basin, B.C., guided by magnetotelluric results (Parts of NTS 093B,C,F,G) | Report 2012-14 |
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Summary of Activities 2010 | Report 2011-01 | |
Northern BC Sample Reanalysis Project (NTS 94C, 94D, 94E, 94L, 94M, 104B, 104G, 104I, 104O, 104P) | Report 2011-02 | |
The Application of Surface Organic Materials as Sample Media Over Deeply Buried Mineralization at the Kwanika Central Zone, North-Central British Columbia (NTS 93N) | Report 2011-03 | |
Regional Stream Sediment and Water Geochemical Data, Vancouver Island, British Columbia (parts of NTS 92B, 92C, 92E, 92F, 92G, 92K, 92L, 102I) | Report 2011-04 | |
Catchment analysis and interpretation of stream sediment data from QUEST-South, British Columbia | Report 2011-05 | |
Ground testing of predicted geology based on stream and lake sediment geochemistry in the QUEST area, using previously undocumented bedrock exposures | Report 2011-06 | |
Preliminary bedrock topography and drift thickness of the Montney Play area | Report 2011-07 | |
Compilation of Geological Survey of Canada surficial geology maps for NTS 94A and 93P | Report 2011-08 | |
Open File 2011-06 | Till Geochemistry of the Colleymount map area (093L/01), west-central British Columbia | Report 2011-09 |
Rock Physical Property Measurements to Aid Geophysical Surveys in the Nechako Basin Oil and Gas Region, central British Columbia | Report 2011-10 | |
Deep Subsurface Aquifer Characterization in support of Montney Tight Gas Development: Geological Report (NTS 93O, 93P, 94A, 94B, 94G & 94H) | Report 2011-11 | |
Montney Water Project: Watershed Posters (NTS 93I, 93O, 93P, 94A, 94B, 94P) | Report 2011-12 | |
Preliminary Lithological and Structural Framework of Eocene Volcanic Rocks in the Nechako Region, Central British Columbia (NTS 92O, 92P, 93A, 93B, 93C, 93G) | Report 2011-13 | |
Regional 3D inversion modelling of airborne gravity and magnetic data: QUEST-South, BC, Canada (parts of NTS 82E, 82L, 92H, 92I, 92O, 92P, 93A, 93B) | Report 2011-14 | |
Regional 3D inversion modelling of airborne gravity, magnetic, and electromagnetic data: Central BC, Canada (parts of NTS 93B, 93C, 93E, 93F, 93G, 93J, 93K, 93L, 93M, 93N, 103I) | Report 2011-15 | |
The Characteristics, Origin and Exploration Potential for Sediment-Hosted Cu+/-Ag Mineralization in the Purcell Supergroup, Canada (82G) | Report 2011-16 | |
Porphyry Indicator Minerals (PIMS): A New Exploration Tool for Concealed Deposits in South-Central British Columbia | Report 2011-17 |
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Summary of Activities 2009 | Report 2010-01 | |
Distribution of the Chilcotin Group, Taseko Lakes and Bonaparte Lake map areas, British Columbia (GSC Open File 6344) (NTS 92O, 92P) | Map 2010-02-01 | |
An Assessment of Soil Geochemical Methods for Detecting Copper-Gold Porphyry Mineralization through Quaternary Glaciofluvial Sediments at the Kwanika Central Zone, North-Central British Columbia (NTS 93N) | Report 2010-03 | |
QUEST-South Project Sample Reanalysis (NTS 82E, 82L, 82M, 92H, 92I, 92J, 92O, 92P) | Report 2010-04 | |
Geoscience Map 2010-01 | Bedrock Geology of the QUEST map area, central British Columbia (GSC Open File 6476) | Report 2010-05 |
QUEST-South Airborne Gravity Survey | Report 2010-06 | |
Geology of the Deer Park Map Sheet (NTS 82E/08) | Report 2010-07 | |
An Assessment of Soil Geochemical Methods for Detecting Copper-Gold Porphyry Mineralization through Quaternary Glaciofluvial Sediments at the WBX-MBX and 66 Zones, Mt. Milligan, North-Central British Columbia (NTS 93N) | Report 2010-08 | |
QUEST Project Compilation | Report 2010-09 | |
Open File 2010-07 | Till Geochemistry of the Nadina River Map Area, West-Central British Columbia (NTS 93E/15) | Report 2010-10 |
Horn River Basin Subsurface Aquifer Project - Phase I Data (NTS 94I, 93J, 94O, 94P) | Report 2010-11 | |
QUEST-West Project Compilation Maps | Report 2010-12 | |
QUEST-South Regional Geochemical Data, Southern British Columbia | Report 2010-13 | |
Relative Drift Thickness Map, North-Central BC (NTS93G, 93H/w & 93J/s) | Report 2010-14 | |
Bedrock cross-sections in Chasm Provincial Park Map | Report 2010-15 | |
2-D Land Joint Inversion of Seismic, Magnetotelluric and Gravity for Pre-Stack Depth Migration Imaging as applied to the Nechako Basin 2-D data | Report 2010-16 |
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2008 | Report 2009-01 | |
Indicator Mineral Content and Geochemistry of Stream Sediments and Waters from Northeast British Columbia (NTS 94A, 94B, 94G, 94H, 94I, 94K, 94N, 94O, 94P) | Report 2009-02 | |
QUEST Project: Using Geochemistry and Neural Networks to map Geology under Glacial Clover. | Report 2009-03 | |
QUEST Project Maps Compilation | Report 2009-04 | |
QUEST-West Project: Reanalysis ICP-MS results for a total of 3479 stream and lake sediment samples that cover parts of (NTS 093E, F, L, and M). | Report 2009-05 | |
QUEST-West Project: Time-domain electromagnetic and magnetic data, collected last fall by Aeroquest Ltd., over 12,500 line-km in an area from Vanderhoof to Terrace at 4 km line spacing. An additional 679 line-km of infill data (200 m line spacing) was collected over six known deposits, including Bell, Endako, Equity, Granisle, Huckleberry and Morrison. | Report 2009-06 | |
Helicopter-borne Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic (ZTEM) and Aeromagnetic Survey, Mt. Milligan Test Block. | Report 2009-07 | |
Google Earth Data | Report 2009-08 | |
Nechako 2008 Seismic Survey Data | Report 2009-09 | |
Till Geochemical Exploration Targets, Babine Porphyry Copper Belt, Central British Columbia. | Report 2009-10 | |
Regional Drainage Sediment and Water Geochemical Data, Central British Columbia (parts of NTS 93E, F, G, J, K, L, M, N & O). | Report 2009-11 | |
Nechako Basin Magnetotelluric Data Release: A Geoscience for Mountain Pine Beetle Response Product | Report 2009-13 | |
QUEST Project: An Investigation Using SiroSOM for the Analysis of QUEST Stream-Sediment and Lake-Sediment Geochemical Data | Report 2009-14 | |
QUEST Project: 3D inversion modeling, integration, and visualization of airborne gravity, magnetic, and electromagnetic data, BC, Canada (NTS 93A, 93B, 93G, 93H, 93J, 93K, 93N, 93O, 94C 94D) | Report 2009-15 | |
Geology, Chasm Provincial Park and vicinity, British Columbia (GSC Open File 6230) | Report 2009-16 | |
GeoFile 2009-10 | QUEST Project Property File Update | Report 2009-17 |
QUEST-West Project: Report on 1D Inversion Modeling of the QUEST West Helicopter-Borne AeroTEM System Electromagnetic Data. | Report 2009-18 | |
Open File 2009-05 | QUEST-West Project: Apatite Fission Track Data for Seventeen Rock Samples from the Bowser and Sustut Basins, British Columbia. (GSC Open File 6325) | Report 2009-19 |
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Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2007 | Report 2008-01 | |
Hyperspectral Demonstration Project | Report 2008-02 | |
QUEST Project: 4452 sediment stream pulps and 488 lake sediment pulps from map sheets 093A, B, G, H, N and K were reanalyzed using ICP-MS techniques. | Report 2008-03 | |
QUEST Project: VTEM (Versatile Time-Domain Electromagnetic) data was collected in the fall of 2007 by Geotech Ltd. with TRK Helicopters, along with maps and contractor's report. This QUEST geophysical survey was funded in partnership with the Northern Trust. | Report 2008-04 | |
QUEST Project: New Lake Sediment Geochemistry, over 1800 sites in NTS sheets 093G, J, N and O. | Report 2008-05 | |
QUEST Project: New Regional Stream Sediment and Water Geochemical Data, 906 samples from 854 sites in the Pine Pass map sheet (NTS 093O). | Report 2008-07 | |
QUEST Project: Airborne Gravity Survey Images. | Report 2008-08 | |
Development and Application of a Relational Rock Property Database System for BC. | Report 2008-09 | |
QUEST-West Project: Final Airborne Gravity Technical Report, Datasets, Maps, and GBC Images of Airborne Gravity Data. | Report 2008-10 | |
Terrace Geochemical Data Reanalysis Project: Regional Stream Sediment and Water Geochemical Data: Terrace & Prince Rupert (NTS 103I & 103J). | Report 2008-11 |
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Paper 2007-01 | Summary of Geoscience BC Program Activities 2006 | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Mineral Exploration Potential Beneath the Chilcotin Group (NTS 092O, P; 093A, B, C, F, G, J, K), South-Central British Columbia: Preliminary Insights from Volcanic Facies Analysis. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | New Models for Mineral Exploration in British Columbia: Is there a Continuum between Porphyry Molybdenum Deposits and Intrusion-Hosted Gold Deposits? | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Preliminary Results from a Microseismic Noise Test Utilizing Passive Seismic Transmission Tomography, Nechako Basin (NTS 092O/11, 14), South-Central British Columbia. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Geochemistry of Mesozoic Intrusions, Quesnel and Stikine Terranes (NTS 082; 092; 093), South-Central British Columbia: Preliminary Characterization of Sampled Suites. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Toward an Integrated Model for Alkalic Porphyry Copper Deposits in British Columbia (NTS 093A, N; 104G). | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Stratigraphic Record of Initiation of Sedimentation in the Bowser Basin (NTS 104A, H), Northwestern British Columbia. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Subaqueous Channel-Confined Volcanism within the Chilcotin Group, Bull Canyon Provincial Park (NTS 093B/03), South-Central British Columbia. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Geochronological and Regional Metallogenic Investigations in the Bralorne – Bridge River Mining District (Parts of NTS 092J,I,O,P), Southwestern British Columbia: Project Rationale. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Mineralization, Alteration and Structure of the Tsaeko Lakes Region, Southwestern BC: Preliminary Analysis. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation Area (Parts of NTS 082, 092, 093), Central British Columbia: Regional Geochemical Data Repository Project. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | South Nechako Basin and Cariboo Basin Lake Sediment Geochemical Survey (Parts of NTS 092N, O, P; 093A, B), Central British Columbia. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | ASTER Multispectral Satellite Imagery and Product Coverage, BC – Phase 2. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Ultramafic Rock Occurrences in the Jurassic Bonanza Arc near Port Renfrew, Southern Vancouver Island. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Structural Overprinting in the Northwestern Skeena Fold Belt (NTS 104B, H), Northwestern British Columbia. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Skeena Arch, West-Central British Columbia (Parts of NTS 093E, L, M; 094D; 103I, P): Update on a Geoscience BC Digital Data Compilation Project. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | New Geological Mapping and Implications for Mineralization Potential in the Southern and Western Whitesail Lake Map Area (NTS 093E), Southwestern British Columbia. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Geology and Mineral Potential Update for the Muchalat-Hesquiat Region (NTS 092E, F, K, l), Vancouver Island. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Indicator Mineral Content and Geochemistry of Stream and Glacial Sediments from the Etsho Plateau Region (NTS 094I, P) as an Aid to Kimberlite and Base Metal Exploration, Northeast British Columbia. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Aeromagnetic Survey over the Jennings River Map Area (NTS 104O), Northern British Columbia. | Report 2007-01 Project 2005-059 |
Paper 2007-01 | Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometric and Magnetic Surveys over the Bonaparte Lake Area (NTS 092P), South-Central British Columbia. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Stratigraphic Analysis of Cretaceous Strata Flanking the Southern Nechako Basin (Parts of NTS 092M, O; 093B), British Columbia: Constraining Basin Architecture and Reservoir Potential. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Geological Setting of Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Occurrences in the Middle Paleozoic Sicker Group of the Southeastern Cowichan Lake Uplift (NTS 092B/13), Southern Vancouver Island. | Report 2007-01 |
Paper 2007-01 | Utility of Magnetotelluric Data in Unravelling the Stratigraphic-Structural Framework of the Nechako Basin (NTS 092N; 093C, B, G, H), South-Central British Columbia, from a Re-Analysis of 20-Year-Old Data. | Report 2007-01 |
GeoFile 2007-03 | Geology and Mineral Resources of the Skeena Arch, Central BC | Project 2005-003 |
A Comparative Assessment of Soil Geochemical Methods for Detecting Buried Mineral Deposits: 3T's Epithermal Au-Ag Prospect, Central British Columbia, Canada | Project 2005-009 | |
South Nechako Basin and Cariboo Basin Lake Sediment & Water Geochemical Survey | Project 2006-013 | |
Mountain Pine Beetle Infestation Area - Regional Geochemical Data Repository Project | Project 2006-012 | |
Halogens in Surface Exploration Geochemistry: Evaluation and Development of Methods for Detecting Buried Mineral Deposits | Project 2005-008 | |
New Geology Maps in Whitesail Lake Map Area, 4 colour maps, scale 1:50 000:
Project 2005-032 | |
QUEST Project, Geoscience BC | Geoscience BC - QUEST Project |
BCGS publication number |
Projects & Publications |
GBC publication number |
Report 2006-01 | Summary of Geoscience BC Program Activities 2005 | Report 2006-01 |
Paper 2006-01 | Geological Setting and Mineralization Potential of the Southwestern Whitesail Lake Map Area, Southwestern British Columbia: Preliminary Assessment (NTS 093E) | Report 2006-01 |
Paper 2006-01 | Stratigraphic and Paleotectonic Studies of the Middle Paleozoic Sicker Group and Contained VMS Occurrences, Vancouver Island, British Columbia (parts of NTS 092B, C and F) | Report 2006-01 |
Paper 2006-01 | Update on the Mineral Deposit Potential of the Nootka Sound Region, West Coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia (NTS 092E) | Report 2006-01 Project 2005-027 |
Paper 2006-01 | Glacial and Stream Sediments Sampling in Support of Kimberlite Exploration in Northeastern British Columbia | Report 2006-01 |
Paper 2006-01 | Preliminary Results of the Cordilleran Geochemistry Project: A Comparative Assessment of Soil Geochemical Methods for Detecting Buried Mineral Deposits | Report 2006-01 Project 2005-009 |
Paper 2006-01 | Halogens in Surface Exploration Geochemistry: Evaluation and Development of Methods for Detecting Buried Mineral Deposits, Central British Columbia (NTS 093F/03) | Report 2006-01 Project 2005-008 |
Paper 2006-01 | Initiation and Deformation of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Bowser Basin: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration in North-Central British Columbia | Report 2006-01 |
Paper 2006-01 | Targeted Energy Resource Studies in the Bowser and Sustut Interior Basins of British Columbia (parts of NTS 093L, 094D, 103I, 103P, 104A and 104H) | Report 2006-01 Project 2005-036 |
Paper 2006-01 | Geology and Mineral Resources of the Skeena Arch, West-Central British Columbia: A Geoscience BC Digital Data Compilation Project (parts of NTS 093E, L, M, 094D, 103I and 103P) | Report 2006-01 |
Paper 2006-01 | 2005 Regional Geochemical Survey, Southeastern British Columbia (NTS 083C, 083D, 083E and 082N) | Report 2006-01 |
Paper 2006-01 | Drainage Sediment and Water Geochemical Surveys in the Anahim Lake and Nechako River Map Areas, Central British Columbia (NTS 093C and F) | Report 2006-01 |
Paper 2006-01 | ASTER Imagery for British Columbia – An Online Exploration Resource | Report 2006-01 |
MapPlace Image Analysis Toolbox (IAT) | Project 2006-001 | |
Apatite Fission Track Data for twenty-nine rock samples from the southern Bowser Basin region, British Columbia | Report 2006-02 | |
GeoFile 2006-08 | Examining ASTER Imagery with the MapPlace Image Analysis Toolbox - A Tutorial Manual | Report 2006-03 |
GeoFile 2006-11 | Regional Drainage Sediment and Water Geochemical Survey Data, Anahim Lake - Nechako River, Central British Columbia (NTS 093C and 093F) | Report 2006-04 |
GeoFile 2006-12 | Regional Stream Sediment and Water Geochemical Data - Golden, Brazeau Lake, Canoe River and Mount Robson, Southeastern British Columbia (NTS 083C, D, E and 082N) | Report 2006-05 |
Geology, Tesla Lake (93E/02), British Columbia (GSC, Open File 5387) | Project 2005-032 | |
Geology, Foresight Mountain (93E/03), British Columbia (GSC, Open File 5386) | Map 2006-02 |