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Alexei leads research in the field of applied geochemistry, develops new geochemical prospecting techniques, and manages the BC Geological Survey laboratory facilities and provincial sample archive.
St. Petersburg State University (B.Sc. Honours, Geology, 1994)
St. Petersburg State University (M.Sc., 1996)
St. Petersburg State University (Ph.D., 1999)
Alexei studied petrogenesis of carbonatites and related rocks of the Kola alkaline province, northwestern Russia through his undergraduate and graduate theses and taught in the Department of Petrography at St. Petersburg State University. As a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Carleton University, he studied isotopic systematics in carbonatites worldwide. Alexei then explored for carbonatite-hosted rare metals and REE in British Columbia as a project lead with Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd. and served as a minerals geologist with the Alberta Geological Survey.
As Provincial Geochemist with the British Columbia Geological Survey since 2012, Alexei leads collaborative research in applied geochemistry integrating fieldwork, high-precision isotopic and trace-element systematics, advanced statistics, and numerical modelling. His research focuses on the origin and metallogeny of Cordilleran carbonatites and related rocks as important hosts of critical metals and developing efficient, non-invasive techniques of geochemical prospecting under cover in underexplored areas.
Han, T. and Rukhlov, A.S., 2024. Update of rock geochemical database at the British Columbia Geological Survey. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2024-09, 5p.
Hickin, A.S., Ootes, L., Orovan, E.A., Brzozowski, M.J., Northcote, B.K., Rukhlov, A.S., and Bain, W.M., 2024. Critical minerals and mineral systems in British Columbia. In: Geological Fieldwork 2023, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2024-01, pp. 13-51.
Rukhlov, A.S., Cui, Y., Cunningham, Q., Fortin, G., and Anderson, C., 2024. Geochemical signals of carbonatiterelated critical metals in provincial stream sediments. In: Geological Fieldwork 2023, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2024-01, pp. 97-122.
Ootes, L., Rukhlov, A.S., and Han, T., 2024. British Columbia Geological Survey rock geochemical and geochronological data products: Examples of utility. In: Geological Fieldwork 2023, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2024-01, pp. 123-129
Rukhlov, A.S., Coats, B., Van der Vlugt, J., Beaupre-Olsen, I.J., and Zaborniak, K., 2023. British Columbia Geological Survey Sample Archive: An emerging resource for public geoscience. In: Geological Fieldwork 2022, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2023-01, pp. 85-90.
Rukhlov, A.S., Mashyanov, N.R., Pitirimov, P.V., Hickin, A.S., Golovetskyy, M., and Coats, B., 2022. Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) response from sediment-covered, volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization on southern Vancouver Island. In: Geological Fieldwork 2021, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2022-01, pp. 123-135.
Rukhlov, A.S., Ootes, L., Hickin, A.S., and Mashyanov, N.R., 2021. Near-surface mercury vapour haloes in air above ore deposits and faults on Vancouver Island: Insights into buried materials in real-time? In: Geological Fieldwork 2020, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2021-01, pp. 113-143.
Rukhlov, A.S., Mashyanov, N.R., Pitirimov, P.V., Hickin, A.S., Golovetskyy, M., and Coats, B., 2021. Supplementary data for gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) response from sediment-covered, volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization on southern Vancouver Island. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2021-15, 1 p.
Han, T. and Rukhlov, A.S., 2020. Update of rock geochemical database at the British Columbia Geological Survey. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2020-02, 4p.
Han, T. and Rukhlov, A.S., 2020. Update of the provincial Regional Geochemical Survey (RGS) database at the British Columbia Geological Survey. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2020-08, 3p.
Rukhlov, A.S., Fortin, G., Kaplenkov, G.N., Lett, R.E., Lai, V. W.-M., and Weis, D., 2020. Multi-media geochemical and Pb isotopic evaluation of modern drainages on Vancouver Island. In: Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01, pp. 133-167.
Rukhlov, A.S., Ootes, L., Hickin, A.S., and Mashyanov, N.R., 2020. Supplementary data for near-surface mercury vapour haloes in air above ore deposits and faults on Vancouver Island: Insights into buried materials in real-time? British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2020-13, 1p.
Han, T., Rukhlov, A.S., Riddell, J.M., and Ferbey, T., 2019. A skeleton data model for geochemical databases at the British Columbia Geological Survey. In: Geological Fieldwork 2018, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2019-01, pp. 125-135.
Rukhlov, A.S., Fortin, G., Kaplenkov, G.N., Lett, R.E., Lai, V. W.-M., and Weis, D., 2019. Supplementary data for multi-media geochemical and Pb isotopic evaluation of modern drainages on Vancouver Island. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2019-14, 1 p.
Pană, D.I., Rukhlov, A.S., Heaman, L.M., and Hamilton, M., 2018. Geochronology of selected igneous rocks in the Alberta Rocky Mountains, with an overview of the age constraints on the host formations. Alberta Energy Regulator, Alberta Geological Survey, Open File Report 2018-03, 60 p.
Rukhlov, A.S., Chudy, T.C., Arnold, H., Miller, D., 2018. Field trip guidebook to the Upper Fir carbonatite-hosted Ta-Nb deposit, Blue River area, east-central British Columbia. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2018-6, pp. 72.
Rukhlov, A.S., Mao, M., and Rippon, C., 2018. Rapid identification of sand-size mineral grains using portable XRF: A new method for indicator mineral surveys. In: Geological Fieldwork 2017, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2018-1, pp. 167-182.
Han, T., and Rukhlov, A.S., 2017. Regional Geochemical Survey (RGS) data update and release using the newly developed RGS database. British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2017-11, 7p.
Lett, R., and Rukhlov, A.S., 2017. A review of analytical methods for regional geochemical survey (RGS) programs in the Canadian Cordillera. In: Ferbey, T., Plouffe, A., and Hickin, A.S., (Eds.), Indicator Minerals in Till and Stream Sediments of the Canadian Cordillera. Geological Association of Canada Special Paper Volume 50, and Mineralogical Association of Canada Topics in Mineral Sciences Volume 47, pp. 53-108.
Mao, M., Rukhlov, A.S., Rowins, S.M., Hickin, A.S., Ferbey, T., Bustard, A., Spence, J., and Coogan, L.A., 2017. A novel approach using detrital apatite and till geochemistry to identify covered mineralization in the TREK area of the Nechako Plateau, British Columbia. In: Ferbey, T., Plouffe, A., and Hickin, A.S., (Eds.), Indicator Minerals in Till and Stream Sediments of the Canadian Cordillera. Geological Association of Canada Special Paper Volume 50, and Mineralogical Association of Canada Topics in Mineral Sciences Volume 47, pp. pp. 191-243.
Han, T., Rukhlov, A.S., Naziri, M., and Moy, A., 2016. New British Columbia lithogeochemical database: Development and preliminary data release. British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2016-04, 6 p.
Mao, M., Rukhlov, A.S., Rowins, S.M., Spence, J., and Coogan, L.A., 2016. Apatite trace-element compositions: A robust new tool for mineral exploration. Economic Geology, Volume 111, pp. 1187–1222,
Rukhlov, A.S., Plouffe, A., Ferbey, T., Mao, M., and Spence, J., 2016. Application of trace-element compositions of detrital apatite to explore for porphyry deposits in central British Columbia. In: Geological Fieldwork 2015: British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2016-1, pp. 145–179.
Rukhlov, A.S., Bell, K., and Amelin, Y., 2015. Carbonatites, isotopes and evolution of the subcontinental mantle: An overview. In: Simandl, G.J., and Neetz, M., (Eds.), Proceedings, Symposium on Critical and Strategic Materials, Victoria, British Columbia, November 13-14, 2015: British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2015-3, pp. 39–64.
Rukhlov, A.S., and Ferbey, T., 2015. Application of lead isotopes in till for mineral exploration: A simplified method using ICP-MS. British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2015-2, 93 p.
Rukhlov, A.S., Han, T., Nelson, J., Hickin, A.S., and Ferri, F., 2015. Carlin-type geochemical signal in lake and stream sediments from the Kechika trough, north-central British Columbia. In: Geological Fieldwork 2014: British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2015-1, pp. 165–188.
Bell, K., Zaitsev, A.N., Spratt, J., Fröjdö, S., and Rukhlov, A.S., 2015. Elemental, lead and sulphur isotopic compositions of galena from Kola carbonatites, Russia - implications for melt and mantle evolution. Mineralogical Magazine, Volume 79, Number 2, pp. 219–241.
Rukhlov, A.S., and Naziri, M., 2015. New British Columbia’s Regional Geochemical Survey (RGS) database. British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, British Columbia Geological Survey GeoFile 2015-03.
Stoppa, F., Rukhlov, A.S., Bell, K., Schiazza, M., and Vichi, G., 2014. Lamprophyres of Italy: early Cretaceous alkaline lamprophyres of Southern Tuscany, Italy. In: Marzoli, A., Princivalle, F., Melluso, L., and Baker, D., (Eds.), Within Plate Continental Magmatism and Its Mantle Sources: Lithos, Volume 188, pp. 97–122.
Rukhlov, A.S., Blinova, A.I., and Pawlowicz, J.G., 2013. Geochemistry, mineralogy and petrology of the Eocene potassic magmatism from the Milk River area, southern Alberta, and Sweet Grass Hills, northern Montana. In: Tappe, S., Pearson, D.G., and Prelević, D., (Eds.), Kimberlite, Carbonatite, and Potassic Magmatism as Part of the Geochemical Cycle: Chemical Geology, Volume 353, pp. 280–302.
Rukhlov, A.S., and Pawlowicz, J.G., 2012. Eocene potassic magmatism of the Milk River area, southern Alberta (NTS 72E) and Sweet Grass Hills, northern Montana: Overview and new data on mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology and economic potential. Energy Resources Conservation Board, Alberta Geological Survey Open File Report 2012-01, 88 p.
Rukhlov, A.S., and Pawlowicz, J.G., 2011. Magmatism and metallic mineralization of the Rocky Mountain fold-and-thrust belt, southwestern Alberta (NTS 82G, 82H and 82J): mineralogy, geochemistry and petrology of selected occurrences. Energy Resources Conservation Board, Alberta Geological Survey Open File Report 2011-11, 88 p.
Rukhlov, A.S., 2011. Review of metallic mineralization in Alberta with emphasis on gold potential. Energy Resources Conservation Board, Alberta Geological Survey Open File Report 2011-01, 93 p.
Rukhlov, A.S., and Eccles, D.R., 2010. Metallic mineral and diamond potential of Alberta summary. Energy Resources Conservation Board, Alberta Geological Survey Information Series 137, 1:1,300,000 scale.
Rukhlov, A.S., and Bell, K., 2010. Geochronology of carbonatites from the Canadian and Baltic Shields, and the Canadian Cordillera: clues to mantle evolution. Mineralogy and Petrology, Volume 98, pp. 11–54.
Rukhlov, A.S., and Gorham, J., 2007. 2006 diamond drilling and exploration at the Blue River property. British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Assessment Report 29024, 383 p.
Bell, K., and Rukhlov, A.S., 2004. Carbonatites from the Kola Alkaline Province: Origin, evolution and source characteristics. In: Zaitsev, A.N., and Wall, F., (Eds.), Phoscorites and Carbonatites from Mantle to Mine: the Key Example of the Kola Alkaline Province: Mineralogical Society, London, Mineralogical Society Series 10, pp. 421–455.
Sindern, S., Zaitsev, A.N., Demeny, A., Bell, K., Chakmouradian, A.R., Kramm, U., Moutte, J., and Rukhlov, A.S., 2004. Mineralogy and geochemistry of silicate dyke rocks associated with carbonatites from the Khibina complex (Kola, Russia) – isotope constraints on genesis and small-scale mantle sources. Mineralogy and Petrology, Volume 80, pp. 215–239
Ivanikov, V.V., Rukhlov, A.S., and Pilipjuk, A.N., 1999. Carbonatite magmatism of the Kandalaksha graben: 100 years of studies and new data. In: Bulakh, A.G., Zaitsev, A.N., Zolotarev, A.A., Kogarko, L.N., Krasnova, N.I., and Rundkvist, D.V., (Eds.), Carbonatites of the Kola Peninsula, Conference Proceedings: St. Petersburg, Russia, St. Petersburg State University, pp. 61–64 [in Russian].
Ivanikov, V.V., Rukhlov, A.S., and Bell, K., 1998. Magmatic evolution of the melilitite-carbonatite-nephelinite dyke series of the Turiy Peninsula, Kandalaksha Gulf, White Sea region, Russia. In: Bell, K., Kjarsgaard, B.A., and Simonetti, A., (Eds.), Carbonatites—Into the Twenty-First Century: Journal of Petrology, Volume 39, Number 11–12, p. 2043–2059,
Ivanikov, V.V., and Rukhlov, A.S., 1998. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the melilitite-nephelinite-carbonatite dyke series of the Turiy Peninsula (Kandalaksha Gulf of the White Sea). Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society, Volume 127, Number 2, pp. 10–25 [in Russian].
Ivanikov, V.V., and Rukhlov, A.S., 1998. Mineralogy of the melilitite-nephelinite-carbonatite dyke series of the Turiy Peninsula (Kandalaksha Gulf of the White Sea). Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society, Volume 127, Number 1, pp. 3–16 [in Russian].
Rukhlov, A.S., 1997. Primary alkaline melts and igneous series of the Kandalaksha graben, Russia, In: Papunen, H., (Ed.), Mineral Deposits: Research and Exploration - Where Do They Meet?, Proceedings, Biennial SGA Meeting, 4th, Turku, Finland: Rotterdam, Netherlands, A.A. Balkema, pp. 785–787.
Rukhlov, A.S., 1996. Pyroxenes from the Paleozoic alkaline dyke series of the Kandalaksha graben: petrogenetic significance. In: Troyan, V.N., (Ed.), Man, Nature, Society, Actual Problems, Proceedings, Volume 7: St. Petersburg, Russia, St. Petersburg State University, pp. 72–75 [in Russian].
Rukhlov, A.S., 1996. New data on the mineralogy and geochemistry of alkaline dykes of the Kandalaksha graben and their petrogenetic interpretation. In: Golubev, A.I., (Ed.), Problems in Geology of the Karelia-Kola Region, Proceedings, Young Scientists Conference Dedicated to K.O. Kratz, 8th: Petrozavodsk, Russia, Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, pp. 25–36 [in Russian].
Ivanikov, V.V., and Rukhlov, A.S., 1996. Dyke series of the Kandalaksha Graben: petrographic nomenclature and genetic systematics. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta. Seriia 7, Geologiia, geographiia”, Volume 2, pp. 128–137 [in Russian].
Putintseva, E.V., Ivanikov, V.V., Rukhlov A.S., 1994. Carbonatite magmatism of the Kandalaksha graben: the new data. In: Prozorovsky, V.A., (Ed.), Problems in Geology and Archaeology, Proceedings, International Symposium Dedicated to 150th Anniversary of Prof. A.A. Inostrantsev: St. Petersburg, Russia, St. Petersburg State University, pp. 44–47 [in Russian].