Alexei Rukhlov, Ph.D., P.Geo.

Last updated on April 18, 2024

Provincial Geochemist

Alexei Rukhlov

Phone: (250) 952-0396


Alexei leads research in the field of applied geochemistry, develops new geochemical prospecting techniques, and manages the BC Geological Survey laboratory facilities and provincial sample archive.


St. Petersburg State University (B.Sc. Honours, Geology, 1994)
St. Petersburg State University (M.Sc., 1996)
St. Petersburg State University (Ph.D., 1999)


Alexei studied petrogenesis of carbonatites and related rocks of the Kola alkaline province, northwestern Russia through his undergraduate and graduate theses and taught in the Department of Petrography at St. Petersburg State University. As a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Carleton University, he studied isotopic systematics in carbonatites worldwide. Alexei then explored for carbonatite-hosted rare metals and REE in British Columbia as a project lead with Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd. and served as a minerals geologist with the Alberta Geological Survey.

As Provincial Geochemist with the British Columbia Geological Survey since 2012, Alexei leads collaborative research in applied geochemistry integrating fieldwork, high-precision isotopic and trace-element systematics, advanced statistics, and numerical modelling. His research focuses on the origin and metallogeny of Cordilleran carbonatites and related rocks as important hosts of critical metals and developing efficient, non-invasive techniques of geochemical prospecting under cover in underexplored areas. 
