Audrey works in the economic geology team to evaluate and characterize the critical mineral endowment of the province.
University of Victoria (B.Sc., 2013)
University of Victoria (M.Sc., 2018)
Before joining the BCGS in 2024, Audrey spent more than 10 years in the mineral exploration industry. Serving as an exploration and project geologist in British Columbia, Yukon, and Manitoba, her experience spans from grassroots exploration to advanced project management. Audrey has worked on porphyry copper, orogenic and intrusion-related gold, Carlin-style gold, and mesothermal silver-copper ± base-metal prospects. She is particularly interested in the tectonic-scale controls on mineral deposit distribution in the province, and what these controls imply for mineral potential and discovering new deposits. Audrey is currently investigating critical mineral enrichment in sediment-hosted base-metal systems.
Morell, K., Regalla, C., Amos, C., Bennett, S., Leonard, L., Graham, A., Reedy, T., Levson, V., and Telka, A. 2018. Holocene surface rupture history of an active forearc fault redefines seismic hazard in southwestern British Columbia, Canada. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 11,605-11,611.