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Pursuant to section 9 of the Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act, registration of this platform service provider (the “Platform Service Provider”) is subject to the terms and conditions below. Definitions used in the Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act (the “Act”) and the Short-Term Rental Accommodations Regulation (the “Regulation”) apply to these terms and conditions.
- The registrant must comply with all requirements of the Act, the Regulation, and these terms and conditions.
- The registrant must advise the Registrar of any changes in the Platform Service Provider information within fourteen calendar days of when the change occurs, including a change in the name, telephone number, address, email address and, if applicable, fax number of the registrant or their platform representative.
- The registrant must have a designated platform representative responsible for representing the registrant in British Columbia.
- For all platform offers listed on all platforms, the registrant must:
- enable posting of a local government business licence number,
- on or after May 1, 2025, enable posting of the platform offer registration number; and
- on or after May 1, 2025, confirm, in the manner prescribed by the Regulation, the validity of the registration number posted in respect of the platform offer by the supplier host:
- before the offer is posted,
- within 24 hours of any changes in the offer, and
- at least once every 24 hours.
- The registrant must record, maintain and periodically disclose records to the minister of all short-term rental information provided to the registrant, and all other prescribed information, in accordance with and in the manner prescribed by and under the Regulation.
- The registrant must not provide platform services in respect of a platform offer if
- on or after May 1, 2025, the platform offer is not posted with a valid registration number; or
- the registrant has not disclosed records in respect of the platform offer to the minister as required by the Act or Regulation.
- If at any time on or after May 1, 2025, the validity of a registration number of a platform offer is not confirmed, the registrant must:
- cease providing services with respect to the platform offer within 24 hours of failing to confirm validity, including:
- ceasing to promote the offer,
- ceasing to facilitate any bookings for the offer; and
- on or after June 1, 2025, canceling all future reservations for the offer.
- The registrant must comply with requests from local governments to cease providing platform services in respect of any platform offer that does not comply with any local government’s business licence requirement.
- The registrant must comply with all investigations conducted and requests for production of records issued under the Act.
Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of registration may result in the suspension or cancellation of your registration.
Pursuant to section 9 of the Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act, registration of this platform service provider (the “Platform Service Provider”) is subject to the terms and conditions below. Definitions used in the Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act (the “Act”) and the Short-Term Rental Accommodations Regulation (the “Regulation”) apply to these terms and conditions.
- The registrant must comply with all requirements of the Act, the Regulation, and these terms and conditions.
- The registrant must advise the Registrar of any changes in the Platform Service Provider information within fourteen calendar days of when the change occurs, including a change in the name, telephone number, address, email address and, if applicable, fax number of the registrant or their platform representative.
- The registrant must have a designated platform representative responsible for representing the registrant in British Columbia.
- For all platform offers listed on all platforms, the registrant must:
- enable posting of a local government business licence number;
- on or after May 1, 2025, enable posting of registration numbers on all listings
- on or after May 1, 2025, confirm, in the manner prescribed by the Regulation, the validity of the registration number posted in respect of the platform offer by the supplier host:
- before the offer is posted,
- within 24 hours of any changes in the offer, and
- on a quarterly basis.
- The registrant must record, maintain and periodically disclose records to the minister of all short-term rental information provided to the registrant, and all other prescribed information, in accordance with and in the manner prescribed by and under the Regulation.
- The registrant must not provide platform services in respect of a platform offer if:
- on or after May 1, 2025, the platform offer is not posted with a valid registration number; or
- the registrant has not disclosed records in respect of the platform offer to the minister as required by the Act or Regulation.
- If at any time on or after May 1, 2025, the validity of a registration number of a platform offer is not confirmed, the registrant must:
- cease providing services with respect to the platform offer within 24 hours of failing to confirm validity, including:
- ceasing to promote the offer,
- ceasing to facilitate any bookings for the offer; and
- on or after June 1, 2025 cancelling all future reservations for the offer.
- The registrant must comply with requests from local governments to cease providing platform services in respect of any platform offer that does not comply with any local government’s business licence requirement.
- The registrant must comply with all investigations conducted and requests for production of records issued under the Act.
Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of registration may result in the suspension or cancellation of your registration.