Real estate development marketing

Last updated on August 3, 2021

On August 1, 2021, the Office of the Superintendent of Real Estate (“OSRE”) and the Real Estate Council of British Columbia (“RECBC”) integrated with BC Financial Services Authority (“BCFSA”) to become the sole regulator for B.C.’s financial services sector, including real estate.

Legislation enabling the integration of OSRE, RECBC, and BCFSA was passed by the legislature in March 2021, and the integration of the three regulators is now complete.

BCFSA is responsible for the regulation of pension plans, mortgage brokers, financial institutions (including credit unions, insurance, and trust companies), the Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation, and, as of August 1, the real estate industry pursuant to the Real Estate Services Act and the Real Estate Development Marketing Act. These responsibilities include the licensing and regulation of real estate service providers (including real estate agents, rental property managers and strata managers) as well as the regulation of real estate development marketing in B.C.

Due to the integration, OSRE’s existing website content is no longer available at this address; all content has been transferred over to BCFSA’s new website, including the Real Estate Services Rules and Real Estate Development Marketing Policy Statements, which can be viewed at If you have a specific question about the integration of the three organizations or are having trouble finding historical content, please contact BCFSA using the following contact information:

BC Financial Services Authority
600-750 West Pender Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 2T8

Phone number: 604-660-3555
Toll free: 866-206-3030


Please note: As of August 1, 2021, OSRE email addresses will cease to function. We kindly request that you update your contact information, as any message sent to an OSRE email after this time will not be forwarded. OSRE’s new BCFSA emails will follow the same naming convention (e.g. For example, will become