Small-scale, multi-unit housing

Last updated on July 26, 2024

Small-scale, multi-unit housing describes a range of buildings and housing units that can provide attainable housing for middle-income families. Examples of small-scale, multi-unit housing include: 

  • Secondary suites in single-family dwellings
  • Detached accessory dwelling units (ADUs), like garden suites or laneway homes
  • Triplexes
  • Townhomes
  • House-plexes

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Enabling small-scale, multi-unit housing

Small-scale, multi-unit housing offers housing options that are ground-oriented and compatible in scale and form within established single-family neighbourhoods. These housing forms typically offer more family-oriented units than larger-scale multi-family housing and more affordable options than single-family dwellings.

While the legislation establishes the framework for the new rules, the details describing how these changes work on the ground are set out in regulation, and site standards and expectations around development are laid out in a Provincial policy manual.

View the regulations for the Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act: 

Read the Provincial policy manual (PDF, 3.5MB).

Read the SSMUH Extensions Policy Bulletin (PDF, 1.2MB).

View the SSMUH Extension Application Form (fillable) (PDF, 210KB).

Read the SSMUH Controlled Access Highway Referrals Policy Bulletin (PDF, 152KB).

Local governments were required to update their bylaws by June 30, 2024 to accommodate small-scale, multi-unit housing requirements (except in areas where they have applied for an extension).

The small-scale, multi-unit housing changes include:


Secondary suites

Secondary suites and/or accessory dwelling units are allowed province-wide in single-family residential zones where three- to six-unit zoning is not required, in all municipalities and regional district electoral areas.


3-4 Units in single family zones and duplex zones (apply within urban containment boundaries and municipalities over 5,000 people)

Three to four units of small-scale, multi-unit housing must be permitted on each parcel of land, if zoned exclusively for single-family or duplex residential, which are: 

  • Wholly or partly within an urban containment boundary established by a regional growth strategy, or 
  • Within a municipality with a population greater than 5,000 and is wholly or partly within an urban containment boundary established by an official community plan, or 
  • In a municipality with a population greater than 5,000 that does not have an urban containment boundary

Requirements apply to single-family and duplex zones unless the zone already allows three or more dwelling units on a property.

The minimum number of dwelling units that must be allowed by parcel size are:

  • A minimum of 3 housing units on parcels that are 280 m2 or smaller
  • A minimum of 4 units on parcels greater than 280 m2
  • Some exemptions apply

6 Units near frequent bus service

Six units of small-scale, multi-unit housing must be allowed near frequent bus service on single-family and duplex residential lots that are greater than 280 m2 and within a municipality or regional district with a minimum population of 5,000.

Frequent transit bus stops are defined as bus stops with at least one route with the following service:

  1. Monday to Friday: A bus must stop at least every 15 minutes, on average, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
  2. Saturday and Sunday: A bus must stop at least every 15 minutes, on average, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.


Contact information

Contact us if you have questions about local government housing initiatives

Victoria Office
Toll Free
Planning and Land Use Management Branch
Victoria BC V8W 9T2