B.C. Health Concerns and Diagnosis Value Set

Last updated on January 12, 2023

The British Columbia Health Concerns and Diagnosis Value Set was created to support a B.C. Ministry of Health initiative to provide consistent and standardized data in primary health care that facilitates sharing of health information across multiple systems in machine and human-readable format. 

This value set contains the most common clinical terms from SNOMED CT® (Systematized NOmenclature of MEDicine – Clinical Terms), ICD-10-CA (International Classification of Diseases - revision 10 - Canadian edition), ICD-9, and the CED-DxS (Canadian Emergency Department Short List) terms in British Columbia.

The SNOMED CT® vocabulary is used by clinicians to capture encounter information at the point of care that can enable re-use of the data when mapped to a classification. The mapping of SNOMED CT® to ICD-9 supports physician billing, reporting of aggregated health concerns and diagnosis data, and the ease of use and acceptance of SNOMED CT implementation into the electronic medical records.

To confirm the validity of this value set, the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) Classifications and Terminologies team reviewed the mapped SNOMED CT® terms.


The audience for the mapping and guidelines are clinicians, Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Clinical Information System (CIS), and Pharmacy Management System (PMS) vendors and developers of health information management solutions across B.C. and Canada.

The scope of this mapping is to provide a list of clinical terms that are relevant for recording health concerns and diagnoses, and may be used to record a patient’s current diagnosis, clinical history, family history or indication/reason for the visit. The updated value set has over 7,600 concepts mapped to ICD-9, ICD-10-CA and CED-DxS.  

The implementation guides will provide an understanding of SNOMED CT® and its advantages to EMR, CIS, and PMS users as well as guidance for implementing this mapping to those systems. The implementation guides will provide an understanding of SNOMED CT® and its advantages to EMR, CIS, and PMS users as well as guidance for implementing this mapping to those systems. Although the B.C. Health Concerns and Diagnosis Value Set was developed for use in British Columbia, it was derived from multiple sources - both nationally and internationally and can be adoptable in other jurisdictions that require mapping to ICD-10-CA, ICD-9, and CED-Dxs. 


This value set and its implementation guides have been endorsed by the provincial Health Information Standards Standing Committee (HISSC).

Current Status

Version 2.0 of this mapping is available for download. The constrained web downloadable version consists of 1000 codes. For the full listing of version 2.0 Health Concern & Diagnosis codes please email the Health Information Standards team at HLTH.HISSupport@gov.bc.ca.


Significant analysis, review and validation processes were undertaken to make sure that the mapping developed would be applicable and attainable to the various stakeholder groups.

Wherever possible, content templates defined and reviewed by standards bodies were referenced, and appropriate constraints for the B.C. context applied.

The content of this mapping may require post-production edits, additions and/or maintenance to address issues identified by technical validation. Additional updates will be made over time to reflect current SNOMED CT® and ICD terms requirements in B.C. or to align with emerging pan-Canadian standards developments.


  1. Download the sample: B.C. Health Concerns and Diagnosis SNOMED CT® mapping (XLSX, 105KB)
  2. Download B.C. EMR User Guide for SNOMED CT® (PDF, 1.7MB)
  3. Download B.C. Implementation Guidance for SNOMED CT® (PDF, 1.6MB)
  4. To receive the complete mapping of this value set, please send an email with ‘Subject: HCVS Download’ request along with your name, email ID and organization name.

Last updated: January 11, 2023