Special Reports

Last updated on February 4, 2025
Provincial Health Officer reports on specific health topics that may interest British Columbians or require changes in legislation in accordance with the Health Act.

Alternatives to Unregulated drugs: another step in saving lives First Nations Population Health and Wellness Agenda: First Interim Update, 2024 (PDF, 9.5MB)

The First Nations Population Health and Wellness Agenda (PHWA) is a partnership initiative and reporting series of the First Nations Health Authority’s (FNHA) Office of the Chief Medical Officer and the BC Office of the Provincial Health Officer. The baseline report was released in 2021. This First Interim Update provides updates on 14 of the 22 PHWA health and wellness indicators, and on 4 of the 7 calls to action to nourish First Nations roots of wellness. Indicators are grouped into three main spheres of health and wellness: Healthy, Self-determining Nations and Communities; Supportive Systems; and Healthy, Vibrant Children and Families. Findings demonstrate some improvement since the baseline report; however, overall progress has been limited. The unregulated toxic drug emergency and the COVID-19 pandemic have both had substantial and ongoing impacts on First Nations health and wellness in BC.

The Executive Summary and Dashboard summarize a selection of the findings in the report.

Alternatives to Unregulated drugs: another step in saving livesAlternatives to Unregulated Drugs: Another Step in Saving Lives (2.4MB)

This report explores the concept of enabling access to alternatives to unregulated drugs, with a focus on how models beyond the health-care system, as complements to prescribed alternatives, could help address BC’s ongoing unregulated drug emergency. This report follows the Provincial Health Officer’s 2023 review of prescribed alternatives in BC, titled A Review of Prescribed Safer Supply Programs Across British Columbia: Recommendations for Future Action Published with the report are a summary of feedback on an early draft and a paper exploring the economics of alternatives to unregulated drugs.

A Review of Prescribed Safer Supply Programs Across British Columbia: Recommendations for Future ActionA Review of Prescribed Safer Supply Programs Across British Columbia: Recommendations for Future Action (PDF, 1.1MB)

This report released by the Office of the Provincial Health Officer provides a review of the provincial Prescribed Safer Supply (PSS) policy and makes recommendations aimed at improving the lives of people who use drugs in B.C. and helping prescribers and physicians in their work to support these people in their recovery journeys. The report, titled A Review of Prescribed Safer Supply Programs Across British Columbia: Recommendations for Future Action, looks at actions government can take to enhance the PSS program to make it more accessible to people who use drugs. It also provides cautions on potential unintended consequences and possible steps to help mitigate risk.


Sacred and Strong: Upholding our Matriarchal RolesSacred and Strong: Upholding our Matriarchal RolesThe Health and Wellness Journeys of BC First Nations Women and Girls (PDF, 9.1MB) Corrections Notice (PDF, 55KB)

This is a comprehensive, distinctions-based report focusing specifically on the health and wellness of First Nations girls and women in BC. It is accompanied by a technical supplement providing detailed charts for many of the findings included in the report as infographics. The report and its accompanying technical supplement are a collaboration between the Office of the Provincial Health Officer and the First Nations Health Authority’s Office of the Chief Medical Officer. They attempt to disrupt the status quo of population health reporting by foregrounding FNHA’s Perspective of Health and Wellness and incorporating a strengths-based approach to health. There is a balance in identifying the disparities in health outcomes resulting from racism and colonialism and celebrating the strength and resilience exhibited among First Nations women and girls in BC in their health journeys. The report and its technical supplement seek to support and empower First Nations women and girls and uphold the importance of matriarchal roles in the strength, health, and well-being of First Nations communities. This report is a reminder of the urgent need for system partners and institutions to dismantle ongoing colonial systems and power structures and arrest systemic racism and the ongoing impacts of colonial practices. We seek to advance the vision of healthy, self-determining, and vibrant First Nations women and girls in BC.


Sacred and Strong Technical SupplementSacred and Strong: Upholding our Matriarchal Roles—The Health and Wellness Journeys of BC First Nations Women and Girls Technical Supplement (PDF, 8.1MB)

This technical supplement serves as a companion to the main Sacred and Strong report. It includes detailed figures for quantitative data referenced throughout the main report that are not publicly available in other reports.


Stopping the HarmStopping the Harm: Decriminalization of People Who Use Drugs in BC (PDF, 626KB)

In April 2016, in response to an ongoing, escalating crisis of illegal drug related overdose deaths, the PHO declared BC’s first public health emergency under the Public Health Act. A multi-sector response was launched by the provincial government and its partners to keep people who use drugs safe from harm. Early findings show that the province’s strategies are saving lives; however, the number of overdose deaths has continued to rise and remains consistently high throughout the province. This PHO special report provides an analysis of the harms associated with criminal justice-based approaches to drug policy, and offers a recommendation to further support response efforts: decriminalization of people who possess controlled drugs for personal use. The report identifies two potential mechanisms for implementing this change in BC.

The Provincial Health Officer’s presentation (PDF, 881KB) summarizes the report.


Indigenous Health ReportIndigenous Health and Well-being: Final Update (July 2018) (PDF, 2.7MB)

This report provides the fourth and final interim update on progress made to close the gaps in health between First Nations and other British Columbians, in accordance with targets and indicators set out for 2015 in the Transformative Change Accord: Tripartite First Nations Health Plan. This report also introduces a new expanded suite of indicators that will be used to monitor Indigenous health in BC for the next 10 years.


Preventing Pharmaceutical Opioid-Associated Mortality in British Columbia: A Review of Prescribed Opioid Overdose Deaths, 2009-2013

Preventing Pharmaceutical Opioid-Associated Mortality in British Columbia: A Review of Prescribed Opioid Overdose Deaths, 2009-2013 (PDF, 1658KB)

The Office of the Provincial Health Officer and the Ministry of Health collaborated with the BC Coroners Service to review deaths associated with prescribed pharmaceutical opioids. This report presents key findings of that initial investigation. It examines unintentional overdose deaths involving prescribed pharmaceutical opioids in BC between 2009 and 2013. It quantifies and describes characteristics of fatal overdoses, such as trends over time, geographical distribution, and other contexts and characteristics of those deaths. The results indicate some potential risk factors for prescribed pharmaceutical opioid-associated mortality, which may guide future investigations in this area. Findings presented in this report provide baseline data for ongoing surveillance of pharmaceutical opioid-associated harms in BC.


BC Opioid Substitution Treatment SystemBC Opioid Substitution Treatment System: Performance Measures 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 (PDF, 883KB)

This report presents information on key components of BC's Opioid Substitution Treatment System, and responds to a recommendation in the Centre for Addictions Research of BC 2010 report Methadone Maintenance Treatment in British Columbia, 1996-2008, to report regularly on the province's Opioid Substitution Treatment System. Opioid substitution treatment includes the medically-prescribed use of methadone and Suboxone (buprenorphine and naloxone formulation) for maintenance purposes.



First Nations Health and Well-being: Interim Update (November 2015)First Nations Health and Well-being: Interim Update (November 2015) (PDF, 1MB)

This report provides a third interim update on progress made to close the gaps in health between First Nations and other British Columbians, in accordance with targets and indicators set out in the Transformative Change Accord: Tripartite First Nations Health Plan.



BC Opioid Substitution Treatment System: Performance Measures (2013/2014)BC Opioid Substitution Treatment System: Performance Measures (2013/2014) (PDF, 430KB)

This report presents information on key components of BC's Opioid Substitution Treatment System, and responds to a recommendation in the Centre for Addictions Research of BC 2010 report Methadone Maintenance Treatment in British Columbia, 1996-2008 (PDF, 750KB), to report regularly on the province's Opioid Substitution Treatment System. Opioid substitution treatment includes the medically-prescribed use of methadone and Suboxone (buprenorphine and naloxone formulation) for maintenance purposes.


Joint Special Report: Provincial Health Officer and Representative for Children and Youth: Growing Up in B.C. (June 2015)Joint Special Report: Provincial Health Officer and Representative for Children and Youth: Growing Up in B.C. (June 2015) (PDF, 10MB)

Growing Up in B.C. – 2015 examines the question, "How are our children doing right now?" As a follow-up to the first Growing Up in B.C. (GUIBC) issued in 2010, the report documents the state of B.C.'s children and youth over six areas of well-being, with the voices of experts and youth prominent throughout.

Download news release (PDF, 121KB)


HIV Testing Guidelines for the Province of BC (August 2014)HIV Testing Guidelines for the Province of BC (August 2014) (PDF, 555KB)

Provincial health officer Dr. Perry Kendall has released new HIV testing guidelines for health-care providers in B.C. to encourage all British Columbian adults to get tested.

The guidelines - the first of their kind in Canada - build on B.C.'s aggressive fight against HIV/AIDS and recommend that HIV testing be part of the regular tests offered to adult patients. This will help more British Columbians infected with HIV be diagnosed earlier and get them the life-saving treatment they need.


Overview Guide - Child and Youth Health and Well-Being Indicators Project (2014)Overview Guide - Child and Youth Health and Well-Being Indicators Project (2014) (PDF, 628KB)


Child and Youth Health and Well-Being Indicators Project: CIHI and B.C. PHO Joint Summary Report (February 2013)Child and Youth Health and Well-Being Indicators Project: CIHI and B.C. PHO Joint Summary Report (February 2013) (PDF, 871KB)

This report presents the recommended suite of core indicators for an upcoming PHO report on the health and well-being of children and youth, and summarizes the activities undertaken to identify and select them.


Health, Crime, and Doing Time: Potential Impacts of the Safe Streets and Communities Act (Former Bill C-10) on the Health and Well-being of Aboriginal People in BC (March 2013)Health, Crime, and Doing Time: Potential Impacts of the Safe Streets and Communities Act (Former Bill C-10) on the Health and Well-being of Aboriginal People in BC (March 2013) (PDF, 5.2MB)

This report describes relevant components of the new omnibus Safe Streets and Communities Act, and explores the potential impact of this Act on Aboriginal people in BC, including rates of incarceration of Aboriginal people, and the relationship between poor health and involvement in crime.

The Provincial Health Officer's presentation (PDF, 2.0MB) summarizes the report.


BC Opioid Substitution Treatment System: Performance Measures (2012/2013)BC Opioid Substitution Treatment System: Performance Measures (2012/2013) (PDF, 676KB)

This report presents information on key components of BC's Opioid Substitution Treatment System, and responds to a recommendation in the Centre for Addictions Research of BC 2010 report Methadone Maintenance Treatment in British Columbia, 1996-2008 (PDF, 750KB), to report regularly on the province's Opioid Substitution Treatment System. Opioid substitution treatment includes the medically-prescribed use of methadone and Suboxone (buprenorphine and naloxone formulation) for maintenance purposes.


The Health and Well-being of the Aboriginal Population: Interim Update (October 2012)The Health and Well-being of the Aboriginal Population: Interim Update (October 2012) (PDF, 749KB)
This report provides an interim update on progress made to close the gaps in health between First Nations and other British Columbians, in accordance with targets and indicators set out in the Transformative Change Accord and Tripartite First Nations Health Plan.


BC MeBC Methadone Maintenance System: Performance Measures (2011/2012)thadone Maintenance System: Performance Measures (2011/2012) (PDF, 2.0MB)
Technical Appendix (PDF, 1.3MB)
This report presents information on key components of BC's Methadone Maintenance System, and responds to a recommendation in the Centre for Addictions Research of BC 2010 report Methadone Maintenance Treatment in British Columbia, 1996-2008 (PDF, 751KB), to report regularly on the province's Methadone Maintenance System.

The Provincial Health Officer's presentation (PPTX, 805KB) summarizes the report.


Joint Special Report: Provincial Health Officer and Representative for Children and Youth: Growing Up in B.C. (October 2010)Joint Special Report: Provincial Health Officer and Representative for Children and Youth: Growing Up in B.C. (October 2010) (PDF, 3.9MB)
This unique report takes a sweeping look at young lives across the province, using as wide a lens as possible to examine the state of British Columbia's children and youth.


Investing in Prevention: Improving Health and Creating Sustainability (September 2010)Investing in Prevention: Improving Health and Creating Sustainability (September 2010) (PDF, 2.5MB)
This report focuses on the rationale for a strengthened provincial strategy for and investment in prevention, thus reducing the burden of disease on families and communities, the need for health care services, and the impact of disease, disability and premature death on the economy.



B.C.’s Response to the H1N1 Pandemic: A Summary Report (June 2010)B.C.’s Response to the H1N1 Pandemic: A Summary Report (June 2010) (PDF, 1.9MB)
This report is a summary of the key events, tactics and lessons learned from B.C.’s response to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic.




Listeria Outbreak: Review and Recommendations for Food Safety in Facilities* (August 2008)Listeria Outbreak: Review and Recommendations for Food Safety in Facilities* (August 2008) (PDF, 949KB)
In response to a Canada wide outbreak of listeriosis the Provincial Health Officer established the BC Food Safety in Facilities Advisory Group to review the issue of food safety for residents in Health Authority administered or licensed facilities, licensed child care facilities, and residences registered by the Assisted Living Registrar

*Health Authority administered or licensed facilities, licensed child care facilities, and residences registered by the Assisted Living Registrar.


Decreasing HIV Infections Among People who use Drugs by Injection in British Columbia: Potential explanation and recommendations for further actionDecreasing HIV Infections Among People who use Drugs by Injection in British Columbia: Potential explanation and recommendations for further action (PDF, 644KB)
This report is a summary of an examination of potential explanations for the observed decrease in new positive HIV tests in people who use drugs by injection in British Columbia.


Public Health Approach to Alcohol Policy: An Updated Report from the Provincial Health Officer (2008)Public Health Approach to Alcohol Policy: An Updated Report from the Provincial Health Officer (2008) (PDF, 1.6MB)
This report reviews in detail the levels and patterns of alcohol consumption, rates and trends of alcohol related health and social harms, the current cost-benefit profile of alcohol in B.C., and best practice policies for managing alcohol in society.

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The Health and Well-being of the Aboriginal Population - Interim Update (2007)The Health and Well-being of the Aboriginal Population - Interim Update (2007) (PDF, 322KB)
This report presents an interim update of selected health status indicators from the 2001 Provincial Health Officer's Annual Report.

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Joint Special Report: Provincial Health Officer and Representative for Children and Youth: Health and Well-being of Children in Care in British Columbia: Educational Experience and Outcomes (2007)Joint Special Report: Provincial Health Officer and Representative for Children and Youth: Health and Well-being of Children in Care in British Columbia: Educational Experience and Outcomes (2007) (PDF, 1.4MB)

This report is the second in a planned series of four joint special reports on the health and well-being of children in care in British Columbia.

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Evaluation of the Impact of Making HIV a Reportable Infection in B.C. (2006)Evaluation of the Impact of Making HIV a Reportable Infection in B.C. (2006) (PDF, 560KB)
Surveillance of HIV infections has been shown to enhance the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS. Prior to making HIV a reportable infection in B.C., the Provincial Health Officer undertook community consultations in B.C. to inform this decision.

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Joint Special Report: Health and Well-Being of Children in Care in British Columbia (2006)Joint Special Report: Health and Well-Being of Children in Care in British Columbia (2006) (PDF, 6.1MB)
This report is the first in a planned series arising from a joint initiative of the Child and Youth Officer and the Provincial Health Officer for B.C. The Joint Special Report aims at furthering our understanding of outcomes for children and youth in care by looking at and linking routinely collected data on their use of government-funded services over time.

Executive Summary (PDF, 273KB)

Table of Contents (PDF, 168KB)

Section 1: Introduction: A Joint Initiative (PDF, 236KB)

Section 2: The Data: Health Services Utilization and Mortality

Section 3: Reflections and Recommendations (PDF, 777KB)
A Review of the Mortality Experience of Children and Youth in Care: 1986 to 2005, British Columbia (PDF, 716KB)
An updated Technical Report of the Office of the Provincial Health Officer

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Prevention of Falls and Injuries Among the Elderly (2004)Prevention of Falls and Injuries Among the Elderly (2004) (PDF, 2.3MB)
This report examines the impact of falls and injuries on elderly individuals, their families, and society.

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An Ounce of Prevention: a Public Health Rationale for the School as a Setting for Health Promotion (2003)An Ounce of Prevention: a Public Health Rationale for the School as a Setting for Health Promotion (2003) (PDF, 429KB)
This report reviews a strategy to ensure the school curriculum follows best practices, including physical activity and healthy nutrition in Grades 11 and 12.

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A Review of Infant Mortality in British Columbia: Opportunities for Prevention (2003)A Review of Infant Mortality in British Columbia: Opportunities for Prevention (2003) (PDF, 1.2MB)
This report focuses on internationally accepted indicators of child health - infant mortality and low birth weight rates (LBW).

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Provincial Health Officer's Report on HIV Reportability (2002)Provincial Health Officer's Report on HIV Reportability (2002) (PDF, 1.0MB)
This report examines the results of a detailed review and a community consultation process, and makes recommendations on HIV reportability in the province.

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Public Health Approach to Alcohol Policy: A Report of the Provincial Health Officer (2002)Public Health Approach to Alcohol Policy: A Report of the Provincial Health Officer (2002) (PDF, 113KB)
This review was prompted by recent changes to the rules and regulations governing the sale of alcohol products in B.C.: a liquor reform strategy announced in March 2002 will increase the availability of alcohol.

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Children and Youth in Care: An Epidemiological Review of Mortality, British Columbia, April 1974 to March 2000 (2001)Children and Youth in Care: An Epidemiological Review of Mortality, British Columbia, April 1974 to March 2000 (2001) (PDF, 725KB)
This report provides a long-term analysis of the health status of a particularly vulnerable group of children - children and youth in government care.

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Health Status of Children and Youth in Care in British Columbia: What do the Mortality Data Show (2001)Health Status of Children and Youth in Care in British Columbia: What do the Mortality Data Show (2001) (PDF, 336KB)
This report presents death-related trends and patterns among children and youth in government care. It also provides facts about the leading causes of death and strategies for prevention.

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Antimicrobial Resistance: A Recommended Action Plan for BC (2000)Antimicrobial Resistance: A Recommended Action Plan for BC (2000) (PDF, 212KB)

This report provides a framework for a B.C. action plan on antimicrobial resistance and summarizes input from a broadly based and interdisciplinary group of experts and stakeholders, including a multi-sectoral provincial steering committee.

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HIV, Hepatitis, and Injection Drug Use in British Columbia Pay Now or Pay Later? (1998)HIV, Hepatitis, and Injection Drug Use in British Columbia Pay Now or Pay Later? (1998) (PDF, 373KB)
This report examines progress to address the epidemic of death and disease resulting from injection drug use in B.C. and recommends actions to pursue provincial goals and objectives related to illicit drugs.

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