Sanctions Acts and Regulations

Last updated on May 12, 2016


Employment and Assistance Act
Section 1, Interpretation
Section 9, Employment Plan
Section 10, Information and Verification
Section 13, Consequences of not meeting employment-related obligations
Section 14, Consequences of not accepting or disposing of property
Section 15.1, Consequences for providing inaccurate or incomplete information
Section 16, Applying periods of ineligibility and reduction
Section 35, Power to make regulations, (3) prescribing amounts and periods for the purpose of section 15.1 (2)

Employment and Assistance Regulation
Section 29, Consequences of failing to meet employment-related obligations
Section 31, Effect of failing to pursue or accept income or assets or of disposing of assets
Section 32, Consequences of failing to provide information or verification when directed
Section 32.1, Consequences for providing inaccurate or incomplete information
Section 33, Monthly reporting requirement
Section 34, Requirement for eligibility audit

Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act
Section 1, Interpretation
Section 9, Employment Plan
Section 10, Information and Verification
Section 11, Reporting Obligations
Section 12, Consequences of not meeting employment-related obligations
Section 13, Consequences of not accepting or disposing of property
Section 14.1, Consequences for providing inaccurate or incomplete information
Section 26, Power to make regulations, prescribing amounts and periods for the purpose of section 14.1 (2)

Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Regulations
Section 25, Consequences of failing to meet employment-related obligations
Section 27, Effect of failing to pursue or accept income or assets or of disposing of assets
Section 28, Consequences of failing to provide information or verification when directed
Section 28.1, Consequences for providing inaccurate or incomplete information
Section 29, Monthly Reporting Requirement
Section 30, Requirement for Eligibility Audit