Treasury Board Directives

Last updated on March 18, 2025

A Treasury Board Directive is an instrument made or approved by Treasury Board that relates to government's internal policy.

The following numbered Treasury Board Directives (TBD) are in effect. Please click on the Directive Number below to view a copy of the TBD. The Directives are listed in date order from the most recent. 

NOTICE TO READERS: Please note that subsequent Treasury Board policy or other authority amendments may supersede portions of the Directive. For current policy, see the related topical sections in the financial policy and procedures manuals

Directive Number (PDF) Subject
1/24 Remuneration Guidelines for Appointees to Administrative Tribunals (replaces TBD 1/20)
EFFECTIVE DATE: 1 April 2023. Contact: 
2/24 Remuneration Guidelines for Appointees to Ministry and Crown Agency Boards (replaces TBD 2/20)
EFFECTIVE DATE: 1 April 2023. Contact:
1/23 Core Policy Framework and Approval Matrix for the Core Policy Procedures Manual (replaces TBD 1/21)
1/19 Establishment of provision for concessionary valuation adjustments for Student Loans
EFFECTIVE DATE: 27 March 2019
2/15 Authority to dispose of Atmospheric Benefit Rights and enter into Agreements respecting sharing of Atmospheric Benefits Rights
EFFECTIVE DATE: 17 December 2014
1/12 Residential Accommodation Policy (replaces TBD 3/96)
1/11 Implementation of accounting standards by government organizations. EFFECTIVE DATE: 3 August 2010
1/07 Authorization of expenditures for the Judiciary
4/04 Delegation of authorities for specified financial and general management approval levels to Executive Financial Officers, Senior Financial Officers, Directors and Expense Authorities
1/03 Capital Asset Management Framework
3/01 Authority of the Comptroller General to Retain Money by Way of Setoff
1/01 Delegation of Deputy Ministers' Authorities for Specified Financial and General Management Approval Levels to Executive Financial Officers and Senior Financial Officer (amended by 4/04). Appendix 1(PDF)
3/00 Telecommunication Services 
2/00 Use of Set-offs to Collect Overdue Accounts Owed to the Government by Current or Former Government Employees
3/99 Electronic Data Channels – Use of BC OnLine
2/99 BC OnLine Information Service – Fees Retained
1/99b BC OnLine Information Service – Disposition
2/96 New Program Proposals
1/96 Continuous Service Contracts
2/95 Most Economical Airfare (amended by TBD 1/01 and TB Submission October 10, 2001 (PDF), amended by 4/04)
1/95 Air Travel Policy
2/94 Communication Expenditures and Approval
13/81 Submissions to Treasury Board
5/80 Contracts and Commitments
1/78 Treasury Board Directives


The information on this website is provided "as is" without warranty. Official versions of the manuals, guides and directives are kept at the Office of the Comptroller General. The website and the contained information are intended for internal government use and are being made available to persons outside of government for informational purposes only. You may not reproduce, transfer or print copies of the contained information for other than internal government purposes or your own information without the express consent of an authorized representative of the Minister of Finance.

Contact information

Financial Management Branch

250 356-6164
PO BOX 9413 STN PROV GOVT Victoria BC V8W 9V1