The foster care team: Fostering responsibilities

Last updated on December 20, 2024

Foster parents or caregivers are a valued member of a care team that works together with the primary goal of helping each child or teen return home to their family.

Each team includes:

  • The foster caregiver
  • The child
  • The child's family and social worker
  • The resource social worker
  • Other service providers involved with the child's care

Foster caregivers receive ongoing support from their resource social worker and the child or teen's worker – learn about support for families caring for:

Foster Caregiver Responsibilities

Learn more about the responsibilities of foster families:


The basics

  • Providing the child with a safe place to live, nourishing meals, appropriate clothing and accommodation
  • Providing a warm, nurturing environment with guidance and supervision that responds to the child's individual needs and ethnic or cultural heritage
  • Participating as a member of a child's care team – developing and implementing a care plan and sharing in regular communication with the child's family and social worker, as well as other professionals
  • Meeting regularly with a social worker – telling them about any changes in the home (e.g. plans to move or to have someone else move in)
  • Ensuring regular contact between the child, their family and cultural community, whenever appropriate
Learn more about the responsibilities of foster families:

Promote a healthy lifestyle

As a foster caregiver you have a crucial role in maintaining a healthy environment and helping children in your care make healthy choices.

Stay smoke free

There must be no smoking at any time in the foster family's home or vehicles, even when alone (exception: using tobacco for cultural or traditional purposes). This does not mean foster caregivers have to quit smoking.

Health care

Get advice about health topics or learn about health care supports designed for children and teens who are in care.

Dental care

The government covers dental treatment for children and teens in care or in Youth Agreements, through a contract with Pacific Blue Cross. Learn about benefits / claims processes for dentists and orthodontists:

Be an advocate

Foster caregivers need to be strong advocates for the children they care for – this means making sure their rights, interests and views are respected and protected.


Speak up!

When it comes to things like family relationships, recreational activities, school or healthcare, foster caregivers need to either:
  • Help the child use their own voice to say something, or
  • Say something on their behalf

Help with decision making

There may be situations when the child or youth should be consulted so that their views can be considered before important decisions are made. This could include decisions such as:
  • How much or how often the child can visit their family
  • Whether or not to join in cultural or community activities
  • Changing living arrangements
Sometimes a child or teen won't like a decision that's made, or they'll disagree with it. Caregivers can help them:
  • Understand why the decision was made and how it's for their benefit
  • Get on board with a decision and support the plan outlined by their worker

Help with life skills

Caregivers can also help a child or teen understand how choices and actions can impact their life by setting a good example and demonstrating responsible behaviour.