Supporting the professionals who support families

Last updated on August 13, 2024

The ChildCareBC Vision is to ensure that child care professionals are well compensated and ready to support all children, so we can offer child care to all families that want it, when they need it.

Five things you need to know about...

Supporting Early Childhood Professionals:

  • Staff compensation is a key component of the future operating funding model.
  • Government is developing a wage grid to ensure that early childhood professionals are compensated fairly and recognized as skilled career professionals. It will consider current market rates for ECE wages, including the $6 per hour wage enhancement provided by government.
  • This wage grid will provide greater consistency in compensation across the child care sector. This will support retention as early childhood professionals will be equally incentivized to work in all types of provider settings.
  • Government is investing in more training seats at post-secondary schools, bursaries and ongoing professional development opportunities to help attract, train and upgrade more ECEs.
  • The role and requirements for Responsible Adults remains unchanged at this time.


Please visit the Early Learning and Child Care Engagement homepage for information about past engagements and where you can subscribe to be notified of future opportunities.

Frequently asked questions


Is there any work being done on accrediting people with equivalent degrees in other countries or professionals with similar education but not specifically an ECE diploma (i.e. teachers, etc.)?

  • ECE Certification is done based on competencies, not credentials
  • Therefore, individuals with education from other countries, or in similar professions (e.g. teachers) are assessed based on the competencies acquired through their education, which may be similar in some regards, but quite different in others
  • The ECE Registry reviews and assesses transcripts, course syllabi, and other materials from post-secondary institutions to determine the competencies that applicants have attained through their education
  • More information is available on the Registry’s website