Riparian Areas Regulation (RAR) Notification System

Last updated on June 14, 2022

The Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (RAPR) Notification System is the means by which Qualified Environmental Professionals submit RAPR Assessment Reports as per Part 4 of the Regulation.

This system generates notifications the appropriate levels of government that a report has been uploaded to the system.

Important information for RARNS users

August 17, 2018: Please note the RARNS interface has undergone a systems upgrade. The URL address has changed and links on this page have been updated accordingly. If you have bookmarked the previous URL address, please update your link. If you encounter any issues with access or errors, please Contact Us.   

The QEP assessment report that is submitted to the Notification System must use the Standard Report Templates that have been developed specifically for the Riparian Areas Regulation. The reports created in Word format must be converted to PDF format for submission.

Qualified environmental professionals will need a Basic BCeID to access the site and post reports.

On the BCeID website

  1. Select “Register for a Basic BCeID"
  2. Scroll down to the “Riparian Areas Regulation Notification System” link listed under "Environment," and proceed from there

Register for a Basic BCeID