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DISCLAIMER: Information provided is based on reports received by Emergency Management B.C. Information provided is considered to be current at the time of posting, but is subject to change as new information becomes available.
Incident Date | March 16, 2017 |
Name | Hills Bros Mt Robson Provincial Park Incident (DGIR: 163641) |
Source | Motor Vehicle Incident |
Nearest Community | Valemount, B.C. |
Spilled Content | Diesel Fuel |
Who is involved? | B.C. Ministry of Environment, Emergency Management B.C., RCMP, Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement, Hills Bros Expressways, First Nations Health Authority, Northern Health, BC Parks, Regional District Fraser Fort George, Environment Canada |
The responsible person or spiller is legally required to clean-up or manage the clean-up of a spill. In incidents where the responsible person is unknown, unable or unwilling to manage the clean up, the Ministry of Environment may assume the role. The updates below reflect the Ministry’s oversight of the spillers’ actions; details describe the spill response phase, only, and not the complete lifecycle of the spill. See More Information for other related reports.
Updates are in reverse chronological order, with the most recent at the top. Industry-specific language may be explained in the Glossary of Terms (PDF).
March 17, 9:34 am
The total volume of diesel in the saddle tanks of the transport truck at the time of the motor vehicle incident was an estimated 400 litres. This estimate is based on saddle tank size, last refuelling and distance driven prior to the incident. Approximately 300 litres of diesel fuel was left in the saddle tanks and was recovered yesterday. An estimated 100 litres of diesel fuel has spilled to the environment.
The Environmental Emergency Response Officer (EERO) onsite did not see any evidence of diesel sheen in the river. The majority of the spilled fuel appears to be trapped in snow and soil in the top third of the slope next to the highway. Impacts to the Fraser River are expected to be minimal.
Notifications have been made to BC Parks, First Nation Health Authority, Northern Health, Lheidli T'enneh First Nation, Simpcw First Nation, Environment Canada, Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement and Regional District Fraser Fort George. An Environmental Emergency Response Officer will continue to oversee response operations.
No further updates are anticipated at this time.
(March 16, 2017 - Transport truck rollover in Mt Robson Provincial Park)
A single motor vehicle rollover occurred around 10:30 am this morning in Mt. Robson Provincial Park, 10 km east of Mt Robson Visitor Centre. According to initial reports, diesel fuel has leaked from the saddle tanks of the truck and an unknown amount may have entered the Fraser River. The truck was reported to be transporting cargo with no additional hazardous materials involved. The driver has been released from hospital with minor injuries.
RCMP and Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement staff are onsite. B.C. Ministry of Environment has contacted the owner of the truck, Hills Bros Expressways, to ensure appropriate response actions are undertaken. A spill response contractor has been retained by the responsible party to clean up the spill. Hills Bros Expressways is sending a company representative to the incident. An Environmental Emergency Response Officer is also enroute to the incident site.