Wage Statement Must Be Given by Employer - ESR Part 7.2, Section 45.31

Last updated on September 3, 2024


Text of Legislation
Policy Interpretation
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This section requires employers to provide wage statements to delivery services workers and ride-hail services workers every payday.

Text of Legislation

Wage statement must be given by employer

45.31 (1) On every payday, the employer of a delivery services worker or ride-hail services worker must, in accordance with the provisions of this section, give to the worker a wage statement for the applicable pay period.

(2) A wage statement given to a delivery services worker or ride-hail services worker must include at least the following information:

(a) the employer’s name and address;

(b) the total number of hours of engaged time in the pay period;

(c) the total number of kilometres travelled during engaged time in the pay period;

(d) the total amount of all online work earnings paid or payable for the pay period;

(e) any shortfall amount paid or payable under section 18.2 (3) for the pay period;

(f) in relation to the distance expense allowance payable under section 45.29 (1) or (2), as applicable,

(i) the rate per kilometre applicable to the worker, and

(ii) the total of all distance expense allowances paid or payable for the pay period;

(g) the total amount of gratuities paid by customers by means of the applicable online platform for platform work assignments during the pay period;

(h) the amount of each deduction from online work earnings for the pay period and an explanation for each deduction;

(i) the net amount paid or payable for the pay period, which net amount is the sum of the amounts under paragraphs (d) to (g) minus the amounts under paragraph (h).

(3) The employer of a delivery services worker or ride-hail services worker may give a wage statement to the worker electronically, provided that the wage statement is given in a form that enables the worker to make a paper copy of the statement

Policy Interpretation

On paydays, online services workers must receive a wage statement, similar to those required under Act Part 3, Section 27, indicating:

  • The employer’s name and address
  • The total hours of engaged time for the worker during the pay period
  • The total kilometres travelled during engaged time
  • The total amount of online work earnings for the pay period
  • The difference the employer paid the worker if they earned less than the minimum wage for online platform workers
  • The distance expense allowance rate for the worker
  • The total distance expense allowance the employer paid the worker for the pay period
  • The amount and reason for each deduction from the worker’s earnings
  • The total net amount payable to the worker for the pay period, including everything above

The wage statement can be provided electronically, as long as the worker can make a paper copy of it.

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