Employer May Require Worker to Pay Specified Costs - ESR Part 7.2, Section 45.28

Last updated on September 3, 2024


Text of Legislation
Policy Interpretation
Related Information


This section outlines the circumstances where an employer may require a delivery services worker or ride-hail services worker to pay transportation costs.

Text of Legislation

Employer may require worker to pay specified costs

45.28 (1) The employer of a delivery services worker may require the worker to pay for the cost of using any mode of transportation, other than travelling on foot, for the purpose of platform work assignments.

(2) The employer of a ride-hail services worker may require the worker to pay for the cost of operating a motor vehicle for the purpose of platform work assignments.

Policy Interpretation

Online platforms may require their workers to pay any transportation costs associated with fulfilling their duties, such as gas, bus fare, or electricity for charging an e-bike.

Related Information

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