Regional Initiatives

Last updated on December 31, 2024


Island Coastal Economic Trust's (ICET) Regional Initiatives offers bursary and sponsorship programs committing to developing community economic development capacity and supporting regional knowledge sharing. Up to $1,000 to cover tuition and travel expenses to attend focused, short-term economic development training programs or economic development conferences held in the ICET service region. Up to $5,000 per event for sponsorships for regional learning events that build a sustainable and resilient coastal economy.

Eligibility requirements

Visit ICET’s website for specific program eligibility requirements.


Open and Continuous

Proposals are accepted year-round until the annual funding has been allocated. Contact ICET prior to submitting an application.


Island Coastal Economic Trust serves more than 500,000 British Columbian and Indigenous residents, more than 100 First Nations governments, local governments, and rural unincorporated communities across Vancouver Island, the southern Great Bear Rainforest, the Sunshine Coast, and islands and inlets from the Salish Sea to Cape Caution. Their mission is to invest in inclusive economic development, diversification, and innovation in partnership with communities. ICET administers this program through funding from the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation.

Contact information

Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET)