Northern Development Marketing Initiatives

Last updated on January 2, 2025


Northern Development Initiative Trust's (NDIT) Marketing Initiatives Program provides up to $20,000 in funding for new marketing campaigns or projects that position a community or region to take advantage of opportunities that support economic vitality and diversification. These marketing projects must be new initiatives that stand alone from existing marketing activities.

Eligibility requirements

Eligible organizations include:

  • Registered First Nations governments
  • Local governments
  • Registered not-for-profits

Applicants must be located within NDIT's service region.

Visit NDIT’s website for program eligibility requirements.


Open and Continuous

Visit NDIT’s website for program intake periods which occur three times a year: January 31, April 30 and July 31.


Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) is an independent regionally-operated economic development funding corporation for central and northern British Columbia. NDIT identifies and pursues opportunities for stimulating economic growth and job creation within the region. NDIT administers this program through funding from the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation.

Contact information

Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT)