Northern Development Initiative Trust's (NDIT) Grant Writing Support Program provides up to $8,000 in rebate funding each year to support the employment of a locally-based grant writer. The rebate covers up to 76% of a grant writer’s wages each calendar year. NDIT provides a total of $432,000 in annual funding to support 54 grant writing positions across central and northern B.C. each year.
Eligible organizations include:
Applicants must be located within NDIT's service region.
Visit NDIT’s website for full program eligibility requirements.
Open and Continuous
Intake opens in early January and applications must be received before midnight on March 31 to be considered in that funding year.
Visit NDIT’s website for more information.
Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) is an independent regionally-operated economic development funding corporation for central and northern British Columbia. NDIT identifies and pursues opportunities for stimulating economic growth and job creation within the region. NDIT administers this program through funding from the Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation.
Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT)