Federal-Provincial-Territorial Justice Framework to Address Violence Against Indigenous Women and Girls

Publication date: November 24, 2017

On Jan. 21, 2016 the Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) Justice Framework to Address Violence Against Indigenous Women and Girls was approved. The Justice Framework presents common principles and priorities for action in the areas of crime prevention, law enforcement, courts, corrections, victim services and other justice services. It is is intended to provide a common vision from justice and public safety ministers that is flexible enough for all jurisdictions to use as they take action to prevent and respond to the violence.

Work on the Justice Framework began in Oct. 2012, when FPT ministers responsible for justice and public safety agreed to develop a coordinated response to violence against Aboriginal women and girls.  A draft justice framework was publicly released as a starting point for discussions in fall 2013. Based on recent reports and discussions, the framework has been revised to reflect feedback from Indigenous peoples across the country. 


  • Reconciliation and Building Trust
  • Respecting Human Rights
  • Shared Responsibility
  • A Collaborative and Holistic Focus
  • Community-Based Solutions
  • A Focus On Healing and Empowerment
  • Changing Attitudes and Behaviours

Justice Priorities

  1. Improving the relationship between justice sector professionals (including police) and Indigenous People
  2. Supporting Indigenous Communities in the development of individual and community safety initiatives that respond to their unique cultural, traditional, and socio-economic needs and realities
  3. Engaging the whole community, including government departments; non-government agencies; families; and community-based organizations in prevention, intervention and assistance for victims and offenders
  4. Improving responses to violence within intimate relationships and families
  5. Supporting alternatives to mainstream court where appropriate and effective
  6. Identifying strategies within the existing justice system to support Indigenous women who are victims of violence and their children
  7. Addressing safety and healing of individuals (victims, offenders, witnesses), families and communities
  8. Improving coordination across government departments and among provinces, territories, the federal government and Indigenous Communities

Read the Federal-Provincial-Territorial (FPT) Justice Framework to Address Violence Against Indigenous Women and Girls [French] for more information.