Ryan’s primary duties are reviewing mineral assessment reports for compliance with the Mineral Tenure Act, and maintaining the ARIS (Assessment Report Indexing System) database.
University of Victoria (B.Sc., 2018)
Before joining the BCGS in June of 2023, Ryan worked in the mineral exploration industry in British Columbia, Ontario, and Yukon. His academic work focussed on the igneous petrology and geological histories of the Cache Creek terrane ophiolites in central British Columbia and southern Yukon. During his time in the industry, he specialized in exploring for porphyry Cu‑Au, orogenic Au, and pegmatitic Li mineral systems. Most recently, he was responsible for exploration target generation, geological data compilations, budget and cost forecasting, and managing exploration programs of varying scales and budgets.
Milidragovic, D., and Grundy, R., 2019. Geochemistry and petrology of rocks in the Decar area, central British Columbia: Petrologically constrained subdivision of the Cache Creek complex. In: Geological Fieldwork 2018, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2019-01, pp. 55-77.
Canil, D., Grundy, R., and Johnston, S.T., 2019. Thermal history of the Donjek harzburgite massif in ophiolite from Yukon, Canada with implications for the cooling of oceanic mantle lithosphere. Lithos, 328-329, pp. 33-42.
Milidragovic, D., Grundy, R., and Schiarizza, P.,2018. Geology of the Decar area north of Trembleur Lake, NTS 93K/14. In: Geological Fieldwork 2017, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2018-1, pp. 129-142.