George is responsible for integrating regional compilations and geoscience maps into the BC Digital Geology database, managing geoscience databases, and developing applications.
British Columbia Institute of Technology (Adv. Diploma in GIS, 2011)
The University of Yangon, Myanmar (Post Grad GIS Diploma, 2002)
The University of Yangon, Myanmar (M.Sc., 2002)
The University of Yangon, Myanmar (B.Sc. Honours, 1996)
George joined the BCGS in 2022 as a Geomatic Specialist. With a strong background in remote sensing, database management and analysis, and process and system workflow development, George has worked in natural resource geomatics for almost two decades. While working in mineral exploration, George managed corporate geoscience data for projects in British Columbia, the Northwest Territories, Arizona, and Mexico. He supported geoscientists conducting geochemistry QA/QC, alteration and predictive mapping, and sub-surface resource modelling.