Marc-André provides leadership and vision to the activities of the Cordilleran Geoscience section at the BC Geological Survey. He guides a team of professional geoscientists that are delivering field, laboratory, and office-based projects. Marc-André leads the planning, coordinating and implementing of geoscience programs to identify and document the geology, geochemistry, geophysics, surficial geology and mineral deposits of British Columbia.
Simon Fraser University (B.Sc., Honours, 2002)
Simon Fraser University (M.Sc., 2005)
Simon Fraser University (Ph.D., 2010)
Marc-André joined the BCGS in 2024. He previously worked as geohazard consultant in the private sector, geoscientist at a research institute, and a lecturer at universities. Marc-André has expertise in rock slope hazard assessment, geohazard risk assessment, terrain mapping, slope stability modelling, landslide runout modelling, and aerial photograph interpretation. He is a member of EGBC’s Natural Resources and Natural Hazard Advisory Group, an adjunct professor at Simon Fraser University and a peer reviewer for numerous geoscience journals. Marc-André has published over 60 technical articles on various aspects of landslide characterization and numerical modelling.
Brideau, M-A., Arenson, L.U., Porter, M., Mickey, A., Eshpeter, T., Allen, T., 2024. The Whitehorse Escarpment – Preliminary Landslide Risk Assessment. Canadian Geotechnical Society Conference GeoMontreal, September 2024.
Mickey, A., Brideau, M-A., Arenson, L.U., Staehly, S., Eshpeter, T., Alen, T., 2024. The Whitehorse Escarpment – Use of Interferometric Radar for Landslide Risk Management. Canadian Geotechnical Society Conference GeoMontreal, September 2024.
Skomorowski, N., Brideau, M-A., Scheip, C., Lau, C-A., Gauthier, D., Sirois, D., 2024. Post-Wildfire Assessment of Geohazards in Eastern Canada. Canadian Geotechnical Society Conference GeoMontreal, September 2024.
Brideau, M-A., Arenson, L.U., Porter, M., Mickey, A., Eshpeter, T., Staehly, S., Wallace, A.W., 2024. Preliminary Landslide Risk Assessment and Monitoring along the Whitehorse Escarpment, Yukon, Canada. Extended Abstract to the International Symposium on Landslide, July 2024.
Brideau, M-A., Sturzenegger, M., Aaron, J., Kimball, S., Holm, K., 2024. Rock Avalanche Risk Assessment at Mount Currie, British Columbia, Canada. Extended Abstract to the International Symposium on Landslide, July 2024.
de Vilder, S., Massey, C.I., Brideau, M-A., Lukovic, B., Morgenstern, B., Townsend, D., Rosser, B., 2023. Including the impact of climate change in quantitative risk analysis: Example from Kaikо̄ura, New Zealand. Proceedings of the 3rd JTC-1 Workshop Impacts of Global Change on Landslides Hazard and Risk, pp. 39-42.
Massey, C.I., Wolter, A., Huso, R., Lukovic, B., Brideau, M-A., 2022. Coseismic landslide susceptibility and triggering analyses. In: Coseismic Landslides, Springer-Verlag, pp. 633-679.
Bevan, D., Beresford, J., Arthurs, Gasston, C., Brook, M., Prebble, W., Brideau, M-A., 2022. Ohuka landslide, New Zealand: a signpost for coastal instability in sensitive volcanic soils and very weak mudrock. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 65: 265-282.
Brideau, M.-A., Roberts, N.J., 2022, Landslides in Bedrock. L In: Landslide Hazards, Risks, and Disasters – 2nd Edition, Davies, T.R.H. Rosser, N. (Eds), Elsevier, pp. 43-97.
Brideau, M-A., Massey, C.I., Carey, J.M., Lyndsell, B., 2022. Geomechanical characterisation of discontinuous greywacke from the Wellington region based on laboratory testing, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 65: 265-282.
Stead, D, Donati, D., Brideau, M-A., 2022. Sliding and Toppling. In: Treatise on Geomorphology, 2nd Edition, Elsevier, pp. 114-136.
Brideau, M-A., Carey, J., Massey, C., Kellett, R., Abbot, E., Monteith, F., Kupec, J., 2021. Geomechanical characterisation and dynamic numerical modelling of two anthropogenic fill slopes. Engineering Geology 281: Paper 105980.
Brideau, M-A., de Vilder, S., Massey, C., Mitchell, A., McDougall, S., Aaron, J., 2021. Empirical relationships to estimate the probability of runout exceedance for various landslide types. In: Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk, Volume 2: From Mapping to Hazard and Risk Zonation, pp. 321-327.
Donati, D. Stead, D., Brideau, M.-A., Ghirotti, M., 2021. Investigating the relationship between structural geology, rock mass damage, and rock slope stability: new insights from the Hope Slide, Canada. Landslides, 18: 827-847.
Francioni, M., Stead, D., Sharma, J., Clague, J.J., Brideau, M.-A., 2021. A combined InSAR-numerical modelling study of the Alexandria landslide, British Columbia. Environmental and Engineering Geoscience XXVIII (2): 1-19.
Mitchell, A., McDougall, S., Aaron, J., Brideau, M-A., 2021. Development of a universal open access rock avalanche case study database. In: Proceedings 13th International Symposium on Landslides. Cartagena, Columbia.
Cody, E., Draebing, D., McColl, S., Cook, S., Brideau, M.-A., 2020. Structural controls on an active paraglacial rockslide in the New Zealand Southern Alps. Landslides,17: 755-776.
Mitchell, A., McDougall, S., Aaron, J., Brideau, M-A., 2020. Rock avalanche-generated sediment mass flows: Definitions and Hazard. Frontier in Earth Science, Vol 8.
Mitchell, A., McDougall, S., Nolde, N., Brideau, M-A., Whittall, J., Aaron, J.B., 2020. Rock avalanche runout prediction using stochastic analysis of a regional dataset. Landslides, 17: 777-792.
Brideau, M.-A., Shugar, D., Bevington, A., Willis, M., Wong, C., 2019. Characterizing the evolution of the 2014 Vulcan Creek landslide-dammed lake, Yukon, Canada – using field and remote survey techniques. Landslides, 16: 1823-1840.
Brideau, M.-A., Stead, D., Millard, T.H., Ward, B.C. 2019. Field characterisation and numerical modelling of debris avalanche runout on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. Landslides, 16: 875-891.
Hosseini, F., Rabus, B., Brideau, M.-A., 2018, Integration of high resolution InSAR and LiDAR data to assess landslide hazard in steep mountainous terrain of British Columbia, Geohazards 7 Conference. Canmore, AB. Paper 176,
Mitchell, A., McDougall, S., Whittall, J., Brideau, M.-A., McClarty, D., 2018. New empirical-statistical tools for the analysis of rock avalanche runout. Geohazards 7 Conference. Canmore, AB. Paper 144, 6 p.
Oppikofer, T., Hermanns, R., Jaboyedoff, M., Brideau, M.-A., Jakob, M., Sturzenegger, M., 2018, Comparison between three rock slope hazard assessment methodologies using a case study from Norway. Geohazards 7 Conference. Canmore, AB. Paper 205, 8 p.
Bevington, A., Brideau, M.-A., Geertsema, M., 2017. Mountain Environment. In: Encyclopedia of Engineering Geology. Bobrowski, P.T., Marker, B., (Eds), Springer, 5 p.
Donati, D., Stead, D., Brideau, M.-A., Ghirotti, M., 2017. A model-oriented, remote sensing approach for the derivation of numerical modelling input data: Insights from the Hope Slide, Canada. ISRM International Symposium AFRIROCK 2017 ‘Rock Mechanics for Africa’, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 861-878.
Brideau, M.-A., Shugar, D.H., Wong, C., 2016. Preliminary investigation of the 2014 Vulcan Creek landslide, Kluane National Park and Reserve, Yukon. 69th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Paper 3902.
Lato, M., Bobrowski, P., Roberts, N., Bean, S., Powell, S., McDougall, S., Brideau, M.-A., Stead, D., VanDine, D., 2016. Site Investigation, analysis, monitoring and treatment – Canadian technical guidelines and best practices related to landslides: a national initiative for loss reduction; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8114, 59 p.
Sharma, J., Francioni, M., Stead, D., Onsel, E., Clague, J., Brideau, M.-A., Busler, J., 2016. Monitoring landslides in pipeline corridors using a combined satellite-based InSAR geomechanical modelling approach. 69th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, October 2016, Vancouver, Paper 4200, 10 p.
Brideau, M.-A., Bevington, A., Lewkowicz, A., Stead, D., 2015. Engineering geology, electrical resistivity tomography and displacement monitoring of the Dawson City landslide, Yukon. 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, September, 2015, Quebec City, Paper 616, 8 p.
Brideau, M.-A., Procter, J.N., 2015. Discontinuity orientation in jigsaw clasts from volcanic debris avalanche deposits and implications for emplacement mechanism. 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, September, 2015, Quebec City, Paper 614, 8p.
Sharma, J., Kubanski, M., Epper, J., Busler, J., Francioni, M., Stead, D., Clague J., Brideau, M.-A., 2015. Monitoring geohazards near pipeline corridors with an advanced InSAR technique and geomechanical modelling. 68th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 7th Canadian Permafrost Conference, September 2015, Quebec City, Paper 373, 8p.
Brideau, M.-A., Roberts, N.J., 2014. Mass movement in bedrock. In: Landslide Hazards, Risks, and Disasters, Davies, T.R.H. (Ed.), Elsevier, pp 43-90.
McLean, M.C., Brideau, M.-A., Augustinus, P.C., 2014. Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation in greywacke rocks of the Tararua Range, North Island, New Zealand. 12th IAEG Congress, September 2014, Torino, Italy, pp 59-64.
Lawrence, M.J., Brideau, M.-A., 2014. Discontinuity characterization and numerical modelling of the Paekakariki Landslide, Kapiti Coast, New Zealand. 6th Canadian Conference on Geohazards, June 2014, Kingston Ontario. Paper 105.
Martin, Z., Brideau, M.-A., 2014. Mass movements on Mount Maunganui, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, 6th Canadian Conference on Geohazards, June 2014, Kingston Ontario. Paper 104.
Lyle, R.R., Lipovsky, P., Brideau, M.-A., Hutchinson, D.J., 2014. Landslide on ice-rich slopes – a geohazard in a changing climate. 6th Canadian Conference on Geohazards, June 2014, Kingston Ontario. Paper 119.
Sweeney, C., Brideau, M.-A., Augustinus, P.C., 2013. Lochnagar landslide-dam, Central Otago, New Zealand: Geomechanics and timing of the event. 19th NZGS Geotechnical Symposium, Chin, C.Y., (Ed.), November 2013, Queenstown New Zealand. 11 p.
Roberts, N.J., McKillop, R.J., Lawrence, M.S., Psutka, J.F., Clague, J.J., Brideau, M.-A., Ward, B.C., 2013. Impact of the 2007 landslide-generated tsunami in Chehalis Lake, Canada. Landslide Science and Practice, Volume 6: Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation, Margottini, C., Canuti, P. Sassa, K., (Eds). Rome, Italy, pp 133-140.
Brideau, M.-A., and Stead, D., 2012. Evaluating kinematic controls on planar translational slope failure mechanism using three-dimensional distinct element modelling. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 30(4): 991-1011.
Brideau, M.-A., McDougall, S., Stead, D., Evans, S.G., Couture, R., Turner, K. 2012. Three-dimensional distinct element modelling and dynamic analysis of a landslide in gnessic rock, British Columbia, Canada. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 71(3): 467-486.
Brideau, M.-A., Sturzenegger, M., Stead, D., Jaboyedoff, M., Lawrence, M., Roberts, N.J., Ward, B.C., Millard, T.H., Clague, J.J., 2012. Stability analysis of the 2007 Chehalis Lake landslide based on long-range terrestrial photogrammetry and airborne-LiDAR data. Landslides, 9(1): 75-91.
Brideau, M.-A., Massey, C.I., Archibald, G., and Jaboyedoff, M., 2012. Terrestrial photogrammetry and LiDAR investigation of the seismically triggered rockfalls during the February and June 2011 Christchurch earthquakes. Joint 11th International Symposium on Landslides (ISL) and 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides (NASL), June 2012, Banff Canada, pp. 1179-1185.
Brideau, M.-A., Chauvin, S., Andrieux, P., and Stead, D., 2012. Influence of 3D statistical discontinuity variability on slope stability conditions. Joint 11th International Symposium on Landslides (ISL) and 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides (NASL), June 2012, Banff Canada, pp. 587-593.
de Vilder, S., and Brideau, M.-A., 2012. An engineering geological analysis of the Tutira landslide dam, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. 11th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, July 2012, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 71-76.
Ritchie, C., and Brideau, M.-A., 2012. Controls on slope failures at the Te Toto Amphitheatre, New Zealand, 11th Australia New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, July 2012, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 65-70.
Brideau, M.-A., Stead, D., Roots, C., and Lipovsky, P., 2012. Ongoing displacement monitoring at the Dawson City landslide (Dawson map area NTS116 B/03) Yukon. In: K.E., MacFarlane, P.J., Sack (Eds), Yukon Exploration and Geology 2011. Yukon Geological Survey, pp.17-26.
Brideau, M.-A., Pedrazzini, A., Stead, D., Froese, C., Jaboyedoff, M., and van Zeyl, D., 2011. Three-dimensional slope stability analysis of South Peak, Alberta, Canada. Landslides. 8(2): 139-158.
Brideau, M.-A., and Stead, D., 2011. The influence of three-dimensional kinematic controls on rock slope stability. In: D. Sainsbury, R. Hart, C. Detournay, and M. Nelson (Eds) Proceedings of the 2nd International FLAC/DEM Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 213-220.
Stead, D., Brideau, M.-A., Paddington, S., Millard, T., 2011. Characterization of debris slope failures: An integrated field based numerical modelling study. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering: The Academia and Practice of Geotechnical Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt, Volume 5, pp. 3495-3499.
Brideau, M.-A., Stead, D., Bond, J., Lipovsky, P., and Ward, B.C., 2011. Preliminary stratigraphic and geotechnical investigation of the glaciolacustrine and loess deposits around the city of Whitehorse (NTS 105D/11), Yukon. In: K.E., McFarlane, L.H., Weston, C., Relf (Eds), Yukon Exploration and Geology 2010. Yukon Geological Survey pp. 33-53.
Brideau, M.-A., and Stead, D., 2010. Controls on block toppling using a three-dimensional distinct element approach. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 43(3): 241-260.
Sivak, T., Brideau, M.-A., Stead, D, and Couture, R., 2010. Preliminary analysis of the failure mechanism at the Nomash River Landslide, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. In: A.L. Williams, G.M. Pinches, C.Y. Chin, T.J. McMorran, and C.I. Massey (Eds) Proceedings of the 11th IAEG Congress. Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 691-699.
Brideau, M.-A., McDougall, S., Stead, D., Couture, R., Evans, S. and Turner, K. 2010. Three-dimensional numerical modelling of the failure mechanisms and runout at the 2002 McCauley Creek Landslide, British Columbia, Canada, In: A.L. Williams, G.M. Pinches, C.Y. Chin, T.J. McMorran, and C.I. Massey (Eds) Proceedings of the 11th IAEG Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 53-62.
Brideau, M.-A., Stead, D., Lipovsky, P., Jaboyedoff, M., Hopkinson, C., Demuth, M., Barlow, J., Evans, S. and Delaney, K., 2010. Preliminary description and slope stability analyses of the 2008 Little Salmon Lake and 2007 Mt. Steele landslides, Yukon. In: K.E., MacFarlane, L.H. Weston, L.R. Blackburn (Eds), Yukon Exploration and Geology 2009, Yukon Geological Survey pp.119-133.
Brideau, M.-A., Yan, M., and Stead, D., 2009. The role of tectonic damage and brittle rock fracture in the development of large rock slope failures. Geomorphology. 103(1): 30-49.
Brideau, M.-A., and Stead, D., 2009. The role of rear release surfaces, block size and lateral confinement on rock slope failure mechanisms. 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference. Halifax, NS, Canada. September 2009, pp. 489-496.
Brideau, M.-A., Pedrazzini, A., Stead, D., Froese, C., Jaboyedoff, M., 2009. Preliminary two- and three-dimensional numerical analyses of the South Peak area, Turtle Mountain, Alberta. 62nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference. Halifax, NS, Canada, pp. 382-389.
Brideau, M.-A., Stead, D. and Couture, R., 2008. The 1999 Clanwilliam Landslide: A preliminary analysis of the potential failure mechanisms. In: J. Locat, D. Perret, D. Turmel, D. Demers and S. Leroueil (Eds), 4th Canadian Conference on Geohazards, Quebec City, Quebec, pp. 263-270.
Brideau, M.-A., Stead, D., Roots, C., and Orwin, J., 2007. Geomorphology and engineering geology of a landslide in ultramafic rocks, Dawson City, Yukon. Engineering Geology. 89(3/4): 171-194.
Brideau, M.-A., Stead, D., Stevens, V., Roots, C., Lipovsky, P., and VonGaza, P., 2007. Dawson City Landslide (Dawson map-area 1161B/3) Yukon, D.S. Emond, L.L., Lewis, L.H., Weston, (Eds) Yukon Exploration and Geology 2006, Yukon Geological Survey pp. 123-137.
Brideau, M.-A., Stead, D., and Couture, R., 2006. Structural and engineering geology of the East Gate Landslide, Purcell Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Engineering Geology. 84(3/4): 183-206.
Brideau, M.-A., Stead, D., Millard, T., and Patton, G., 2006. Runout characteristics of open slope landslides in harvested terrain on Vancouver Island: Preliminary results of an integrated field-dynamic modelling based study. 59th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Vancouver, BC, pp. 342-350.
Brideau, M.-A., Stead, D., Kinakin, D., and Fecova, K., 2005. The influence of tectonic structures at the Hope Slide, Engineering Geology 80 (3/4): 142-159.
Laughton J.R., Thorkelson, D.J., Brideau, M.-A., Hunt, J.A., and Marshall, D., 2005. Fall-back vent facies of Wernecke Breccia, Yukon: implications for Racklan orogeny in northwestern Laurentia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 42(6): 1033-1044.
Brideau, M.-A., Stead, D., Huscroft, C., and Fecova, K., 2005. Quaternary, structural and engineering geology of the Aishihik River landslide (Cracker Creek area 115A/15), In: D.S. Emond, L.L., Lewis, G., Bradshaw, (Eds) Yukon Exploration and Geology 2004, Yukon Geological Survey pp.83-94.
Brideau, M.-A., Thorkelson, D.J., Godin, L., and Laughton, J.R., 2002. Paleoproterozoic deformation of the Racklan Orogeny, Slats Creek (106D16) and Fairchild Lake (106C/13) map areas, Wernecke Mountains, Yukon. In: D.S. Emond, L.H. Weston (Eds), Yukon Exploration and Geology 2001, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Exploration and Geological Services Division, pp.65-72.
Laughton, J.R., Thorkelson, D.J., Brideau, M.-A., Hunt, J.A., 2002. Paleoproterozoic volcanism and plutonism in the Wernecke Mountains, Yukon. In: Yukon Exploration and Geology 2001, Emond, D.S., Weston, L.W., Lewis, L.L., (Eds), Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Exploration and Geological services Division, pp. 139-145.