White spruce espacement trial (EP 537)

Last updated on August 22, 2023

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Ep 537 is the oldest, replicated white spruce stand density study in B.C. A similar study (EP660) involves white spruce, Douglas-fir and lodegpole pine at different espacements.  


To understand the effects of planting density on growth and yield of white spruce plantations.


The experiment was established in 1959 on a site located 34km northeast of Houston, B.C. A randomized complete-block design was used with three replications of four espacements: 420, 747, 1682 and 6727 stems/ha. Each plot was 0.04ha (0.1 acre) in area, with permanently tagged sample trees and a surround of buffer trees. The use of fixed-area plots created large differences in the total number of trees per plot. For example, a 6727 stems-per-hectare plot originally contained 272 tagged sample trees, whereas a 420 stems-per-hectare plot contained only 17 tagged sample trees.  


