Becoming a mental health and addictions worker in B.C.

Publication date: March 24, 2025

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Program overview 

Normally, to become a mental health and addictions worker, you must complete a post-secondary certificate at your own expense before you can apply for a position. Through the Health Career Access Program (HCAP), the Province will pay for your post-secondary education and provide a weekly living allowance. 

Successful applicants will start as mental health and addictions support workers before enrolling in a paid post-secondary certificate program. 

Becoming a health care assistant is the other career pathway offered through HCAP. 

About the role

All successful program applicants must start as a mental health and addictions support worker before advancing to a mental health and addictions worker or equivalent role.


Mental health and addictions support worker

Mental health and addictions support workers work under the supervision of an experienced or certified mental health and/or substance use worker or regulated health care professional. They work as a member of a team providing non-clinical support to individuals with mental health and/or substance use challenges to help meet their needs and maximize independence.

Typical duties include:

  • Establishing rapport with individuals, families, caregivers and/or visitors
  • Assisting care team to plan, set-up and deliver services and programs. For example, organizing space and greeting attendees
  • Helping remove barriers for individuals to attend appointments and services. For example, by providing reminders, making travel arrangements and being supportive
  • Assisting in maintaining a safe and clean environment for clients and team, for example by following infection control procedures

Mental health and addictions support workers are paid at the Grid 11 level of the Health Services and Support Facilities Subsector Collective Agreement’s wage schedule.  


Mental health and addictions worker

The program is designed to prepare you for a role supporting individuals living with mental health and/or substance use challenges, and their families/ caregivers, to help maximize their independence. There are various roles and job titles which align with the typical duties and entry-level requirements of a mental health and addictions worker. These include community mental health workers, mental health rehabilitation workers, outreach support workers and more.

 Common duties may include:  

  • Day-to-day running of support and advocacy services
  • Providing physical, mental, emotional and social support
  • Offering advocacy, life skills assistance and support to access resources 
  • Advocating for individuals in dispute situations 
  • Providing transitional support to individuals moving between services 
  • Peer support worker roles may also interest applicants who want to use their own experiences of mental health and/or substance use challenges to support others.

People in these roles are employed in a range of settings, including community outreach, harm reduction services and treatment and recovery programs. These roles typically work as part of a larger care team.

On average, people working in this type of role in B.C. earn an annual salary of $52,140

Program requirements


  • Successful completion of grade 12 (or equivalent) or academic mature student category
  • A minimum of 60% (C grade) in English 12 (or equivalent)

Post-secondary institutions vary in their definitions of academic mature students and acceptable proof of English language proficiency. Some may also require additional higher education requirements than outlined above. For more information please refer to the Post-Secondary Institution Pre-Requisites (PDF,183KB)

Tuition-free upgrading and English language learning courses may be available.


  • Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing
  • Able to deal with others effectively, including working with clients living with mental illness and/or substance use challenges
  • Physically able to carry out the duties of the position
  • Able to organize work

Background checks

  • Criminal record check - You will be required to undergo a Criminal Records Review Program criminal record check for people working with children or vulnerable adults
  • Immunization status - Applicants to the program should be prepared to provide their COVID-19 and influenza immunization status and immunity to other critical vaccine-preventable diseases

You must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident to apply to HCAP.

Application process

Step 1: Expression of interest

Be prepared to provide:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Postal code
  • Preferred health region (where you want to work)
  • Background information

Submit your expression of interest

The form takes less than 10 minutes to complete. 

Please submit the expression of interest one time only. Resubmissions do not improve your chances of being hired and can slow down the hiring process.

Step 2: Recruitment process 

Employers are hiring on an ongoing basis and will continue to contact applicants and hire as new education cohorts are required.

  • If you receive and accept an offer of employment, work and/or training will begin as soon as possible
  • Keep your contact information up-to-date: You can use your BC Services Card to login to view and manage your profile

There is no timeline for when a potential employer may contact applicants. Depending on the needs in your region, not all applicants will be contacted.

Program journey

Phase 1: Mental health and addictions support worker

All individuals hired into the program must complete a provincially standardized orientation and onboarding program.

  • You will be paid for your time, and one-time funding is available for pre-requisite course fees
  • When you complete the orientation, you will begin full-time paid work as a mental health and addictions support worker
  • Your employer might require further employer-specific training at your worksite
  • While working, you will get the opportunity to learn more about the team, duties, setting and clients that make up the sector

Phase 2: Post-secondary certificate 

After your work placement as a mental health and addictions support worker, you will enter a full-time certificate program at an approved post-secondary institution:

  • Program titles may vary; however, all will provide the knowledge, skills and practical experience required to start a meaningful career in the field of mental health and substance use
  • The certificate program will be provided to you at no cost

During this time, you will be paid a weekly educational allowance equal to full-time employment as a mental health and addictions support worker.

Phase 3: Mental health and addictions worker

Upon completion of the education program, you will graduate with a recognized post-secondary certificate.

  • You must complete a 12-month return of service as a mental health and addictions worker or equivalent role. This is usually with the employer who supported your work placement as a mental health and addictions support worker
  • If you do not accept employment or complete the full return of service, you must pay back the educational stipend and other education costs