Cooperative Associations Act Specific Information

Last updated on June 30, 2022

Cooperatives Incorporated under the Cooperative Associations Act:

Location of meetings (in-person/partially electronic) (Section 148):

Meetings of members must be held in BC unless a meeting place outside BC is approved by the Registrar of Companies before the meeting is held. This does not apply to fully electronic meetings.

Meeting of Directors (Section 77):

Directors may participate in and vote at meetings of the directors by telephone or other communication means as long as all directors are able to participate. However, the cooperative association may choose to restrict how directors meet in the rules of the association.

Notice of Meetings (Section 146):

A cooperative association must give at least 14 days’ notice of every annual general meeting and of every general meeting where a special resolution will be considered. In the case of a general meeting where no special resolution is being proposed, 7 days' notice must be given. An association may require a longer notice period by putting this requirement in its rules.

A cooperative association must provide 14 days' notice of every meeting of investment shareholders.

If the meeting is an electronic meeting, the notice of meeting must contain instructions for attending and participating in the meeting. Instructions on how to vote at the meeting must be provided if there will be a vote.

Participation in Meetings (Section 149):

Members of the cooperative association may participate by electronic means or by telephone.  However, the cooperative association may restrict how meetings are held in its rules. Cooperative associations that hold partial or full electronic meetings must permit and facilitate electronic meetings for their members. 

NOTE: The above are only general guidelines that can be found in the Cooperative Associations Act. Please check the rules of your association for more specific details on electronic meetings and what your association permits. 



This content is not intended to replace the relevant acts or legal advice.