Resource Roads Spatial Data Update

Last updated on June 27, 2024

Government road databases in B.C. are missing an estimated 150,000 kilometers of resource roads, and more than half of the existing data is out-of-date. The B.C. Government is working toward assembling and integrating resource roads into a single comprehensive database.

Updated resource road spatial components will be collected and consolidated into a master database called the Integrated Transportation Network. The database will provide the provincial natural resource sector with a more comprehensive spatial dataset of B.C.’s total road network.

Project Phases

The resource road update will be assembled in two phases.

Phase I involves collecting all known road data from various government repositories and incorporating them into a single database. The roads are then quality assured, corrected, and integrated into the database.

Phase II involves the analysis of satellite imagery and orthophotos to capture all of the missing roads in the province. These missing roads are then quality assured, corrected, and integrated into the database.

Current Status

Monthly progress reports show the update status for each phase of resource road integration.

View a PDF version of the latest progress report.