BC Public Service Agency technology

Last updated on July 15, 2024

Information about the technology, applications and tools used to serve BC Public Service employees and applicants.

PSA Learning System

The PSA Learning System (IDIR restricted) is the management system for BC Public Service learning and development course registration.


PeopleSoft is the corporate Human Resources system used by the BC Public Service to process pay, benefits and Time and Leave for over 33,000 staff in the public sector across the provincial government. 

The suite of human resources software, administered by the Public Service Agency, incorporates payroll, time and leave, benefits and HR functions, including Employee and Manager Self Service.

Recruitment Management System 

Learn about current B.C. government job postings

The Recruitment Management System (RMS) is the online system the BC Public Service uses to post job opportunities and manage job competitions.

When you’re looking for a job or applying for a job, you’re using the RMS. If you’re a hiring manager, the RMS is the system where you post jobs and review applications.