How to stay in compliance with environmental regulations in B.C.

Last updated on January 29, 2024

Authorization holders are responsible for following the terms and conditions of their authorizations. All regulated parties must follow the applicable rules under the Environmental Management Act (EMA), the Integrated Pest Management Act (IPMA) and their associated regulations. The following tips will help regulated parties to remain in compliance.

Be authorized correctly


Waste discharges

Be sure all waste discharges from prescribed industries, trades, businesses, operations or activities are authorized by the province. More than one authorization may be required to cover all waste discharges. Find out what needs a waste discharge authorization



Whether you are a business, industry or an individual using or selling pesticides, be sure you have the necessary provincial authorizations.

Authorizations under the IPMA are valid for specific periods of time and must be renewed upon expiry to continue using or selling pesticides.

Visit the Pesticides and pest management page for more information.


Understand your authorization


Authorizations under the EMA

Each authorization, whether a site-specific permit, approval or registration under a Regulation or Code of Practice, has specific requirements that must be followed. Guidance documents for discharging waste under the Environmental Management Act are available.

Ask Yourself the Following Questions:

  1. Are all required works in place prior to any waste discharge?
  2. What are my discharge limits?
  3. What monitoring and analysis am I required to do?
  4. What is the frequency of monitoring and analysis?
  5. What are my reporting requirements?

Authorizations under the IPMA

Each authorization, whether a site-specific permit, licence, confirmation or certificate, has specific requirements that must be followed. Requirements may be different depending on the sector you work in. Sector-specific guidance documents for using or selling pesticides under the IPMA are available.

Visit the Pesticides and pest management page for more information.


Hire an appropriate qualified professional

If a qualified professional is required to carry out work, ensure they have expertise and experience in the field required. Their experience should be specific to the waste and/or environment for the particular industry and site. 

Submitting required reports


Authorizations under the EMA

Guidance is available on proper formatting and procedures to submit Routine Reports, Annual Status Forms, Non-Compliance Reports and Environmental Monitoring System Data (EMS data).


Authorizations under the IPMA

Authorizations under the IPMA have certain routine reporting requirements. Forms are available on the IPM authorizations page.


Licences now submit their annual sales or use summaries using the online forms  



  • Reporting requirements will be specified in your permit.

All authorizations under the IPMA are required to:


Compliance and Enforcement Database
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Compliance reports

Review compliance inspection reports, audits, and administrative penalties issued under the EMA and IPMA on the Environmental compliance reports page.