Seed Planning and Registry Application (SPAR)

Last updated on August 19, 2024

The Seed Planning and Registry (SPAR) is the Ministry of Forests' online tree seed registry. It allows users to:

  • Order seeds or seedlings, request cone and seed processing, and seed testing
  • Enter and update information about their seedlots, orchards, and parent trees
  • Generate reports about seedling requests, and the seedlot inventory

SPAR supports reforestation, forest and ecosystem rehabilitation and wildfire recovery. It's also designed around Climate Based Seed Transfer (CBST) to help forests adapt to climate change. SPAR guides users through the selection of suitable seedlots using the transfer rules found in the Chief Forester’s Standards for Seed Use.

On this page

SPAR access

Access to the Seed Planning and Registry (SPAR) application can be obtained for a company or client registered in the application. To get access, ministry users will need an IDIR and non-ministry users will need a business level BCeID. Please visit the SPAR access requirements page to learn more.

To log into the Seed Planning and Registry application, please click on the log in button below.

Log into SPAR



Seedlot selection tool

The Seedlot Selection tool helps users find seedlots that fit CBST and access maps showing biogeoclimatic ecosystem classifcation (BEC) zones where seeds can be used. Please refer to the instructions tab to learn how to properly use and interpret the tool.


SPAR Training

The SPAR Quick Start Tutorial is a useful way to quickly "get up to speed" on all functions for first-time SPAR users. The tutorial can be completed in one sitting, or one module at a time. In addition, the SPAR Primer on Seedlots and Seedling Requests (PDF, 1.1MB) is a quick way to review information.

This online learning module will introduce you to some of the changes being introduced as part of the SPAR 2.0 update and provide an overview of the system's functionality and processes. This applies to A Class seedlot registration only.


Understanding genetic worth traits in SPAR

Forest Genetic Tree Breeding, Selection, and Testing

In British Columbia, the protection, management, and conservation of forest tree genetic resources is the responsibility of the Forest Improvement and Research Management Branch within the Ministry of Forests. This includes oversight of the provincial forest improvement program, including forest genetic research, tree breeding, selection, and testing of material intended for orchards. Forest genetic research currently includes selections for growth, wood quality, and resistance to forest health-related pests and pathogens.

Why is this important?

Planting seedlings that have been selected for improved growth performance, form (e.g. wood quality ) and resistance to pests and pathogens is important to help natural resource managers maintain forest productivity, resilience, and health. Implementing these forest regeneration and climate change adaptation strategies now is especially critical as climate change is projected to increase the severity and frequency of biotic (insect and disease infestations) and abiotic disturbance events (e.g. (wildfire, drought, floods, and storm surges). Identifying the specific attribute and degree of improvement/resistance available for forest tree species allows silviculture practitioners the ability to choose the seed source most appropriate (climatically and genetically suitable) for meeting their management objectives (e.g. forest productivity, forest health). Below is a table that describes the genetic worth trait codes found in SPAR, and their meaning and interpretation.

Genetic worth trait codes in SPAR
Genetic worth (GW) code Trait description Metric Applicable tree species Wildstand population benchmark Reference age
AD Animal browse resistance (deer) Percentage of crown retention Cw 50% Trees age 6 to 12 years1
AD comments Breeding values and genetic worth predict average ‘whole-tree’ browsing that will happen, based on the concentration of terpenes in the foliage; realized gain trials have confirmed good relationship to this, but this will be updated as more data comes in (e.g., foliage toughness).
DFS Disease resistance for Dothistroma needle blight Percentage of crown retention Pli 50% Trees age 5 to 15 years
DFS comments Crown retention’ breeding values for dothistroma resistance, present in the tests that were scored in high hazard areas. This was scored by how many whorls at mid-height in the tree are retaining needles (as a %).
DFU Disease resistance for Redcedar leaf blight Percentage of crown retention Cw 50% Seedlings age 2 to 5 years
DFU comments Crown retention’ breeding values with cedar leaf blight resistance/tolerance, present in the tests that were scored in high hazard areas; expressed as percentages of crown affected: -100 (absolutely 0 resistance compared to wildstand) to 100 (essentially perfect resistance). Therefore, the higher the number, the better the resistance.
DFU values will be changed later, to the benchmark of 50% (tentative, early 2024)
DFW Disease resistance Swiss needle cast Percentage of crown retention Fdc 50% Trees age 15 to 25 years 3
DFW comments ‘Crown retention’ breeding values with Swiss needle cast resistance/tolerance, present in the tests (age 15-25 years) that were scored in mid to high hazard areas; scored on a 0-10 scale then expressed as percentages.
DSB Disease resistance for white pine blister rust Percentage of live trees 2, 3 Pw 30% Trees age 10 to 20 years
DSB comments 'Percent live trees’ breeding values and GW were determined with field testing, from ages 10-20; analysis was done using binary (0-dead/1-alive) scoring;  (Note: differs from the other diseases we are currently scoring). The major gene is factored in the scoring now.  Benchmark is 30% (i.e., wild-stand seed is expected to have ~30% live trees by ages 10-20 years)
DSC Disease resistance for Commandra blister rust Percentage of live trees 3 Pli 50% Trees age 10 to 30 years
DSC comments 'Percent live trees’ breeding values and GW were determined with field testing, from ages 10-15; analysis was done using binary (0-dead/1-alive) scoring.
DSG Disease resistance Western gall rust Percentage of trees 3 Pli 50% Trees age 10 to 20 years
DSG comments 'Percent trees without stem galls’ breeding values and GW scores were determined with field testing, at age 10-20; analysis was done using binary (0/1) scoring (based on stem galls/cankers).
GVO Volume growth Percentage of volume growth Cw, Dr, Ep, Fdc, Fdi, Hw, Lw, Pli, Py, Ss, Sx 0 At harvest rotation age
GVO comments Percentage volume gain (compared to wildstand) expected at an index age near harvest (Coast, 60 years; Interior, 80 years).
IWS Spruce terminal weevil Percentage of live trees 3 Sx, Ss Sx - 30%
Ss - 50%
Trees age 6 to 12 years
IWS comments Breeding values and GW scores for Sitka spruce predict the chances a ‘tree will not have terminal leader damage’ (average over two years); analysis was done on field tested trees naturally or artificially inoculated with weevils at age 6-12 in the field; realized gain trials confirm this level of resistance; e.g., for Ss, +87 means that 87% of the trees will not be attacked. Benchmark is 30% for Ss (i.e., wild-stand seed will only have 30% trees not damaged).

Interior spruce
breeding values predict the chances a tree will have terminal damage every year; analysis was done on field tested trees naturally infected in genetic tests at ages 10-20 years, or artificially inoculated with weevils at 3 years of age in raised bed trails; realized gain trials confirm this level of resistance.  Benchmark for Sx is 50%.
WWD Wood quality Wood density measured in grams/cm Fdc 0 Core samples from trees age 10 to 20 years 4
WDU Wood durability Percentage of alpha-thujone in heart wood Cw 0 Composite of thujaplicins and lignans 5

1 lack of “whole tree” browsing based on the concentration of terpenes in the foliage
2 not killed by rust; or, free from stem galls or weevil attack
3 major gene resistant (MGR) cones = MGR female X resistant male
using volume displacement; or, surrogate density measures with a drill (Resistograph)
5 and other compounds


Forestry Suite Application Modernization Project and SPAR

The Forestry Suite of Applications (FSA) Modernization Program comprises four teams. Teams are working to modernize the FSA with new digital products and services. The mission is to:

  • Develop sustainable and modern digital services that support government's forest-based initiatives
  • Align the ministry's digital products and services with its priorities, and
  • Meet the needs of Indigenous people, industry partners, NR ministries, and the public.

FSA teams are using service design (YouTube), Agile (YouTube) and user experience (UX) (Wikipedia) to ensure what we build meets users' needs. The FSA team has undertaken extensive service design with SPAR users both inside and outside of government. The team has also mapped the applications’ current states, identified pain points, and recognized functions that need to improve. It’s also developed prototypes and business logic. Watch this SPAR demonstration video (YouTube) to see how the design system will improve the user experience.

If you would like to participate in SPAR user feedback and prototype testing sessions, please sign up here.

Prior Sprint Reviews:


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To receive notifications regarding SPAR, SeedMap, the Chief Forester's Standards for Seed Use and general seedlot / vegetative lot information, subscribe to our email list.

Contact information

Please contact us for more information or application assistance.