Chronology of seed transfer and seed planning zone changes

Last updated on March 11, 2024
Date Type of change Legislation, publication or map source
August 1, 2022 Seed transfer Amendments to the Chief Forester's Standards for Seed Use. Making the use of Climate Based Seed Transfer mandatory and removing the option to use Geographic Based Seed Transfer.
April 2019 Seed Transfer Amendments to the Chief Forester's Standards for Seed Use. The optional use of Climate Based Seed Transfer (CBST) based on new genetically suitable seed and vegetative lot areas of use (ie CBST AOU). CBST AOU based on BEC 10.
April 2018 Seed Transfer Amendments to the Chief Forester's Standards for Seed Use. The optional use of Climate Based Seed Transfer (CBST) based on new genetically suitable seed and vegetative lot areas of use (ie CBST AOU). CBST AOU based on BEC 10.
September 2017 Seed Transfer  Early implementation of Climate Based Seed Transfer (CBST) enabled through alternatives to the Chief Forester's Standards for Seed Use.
May 2014 Seed Planning Zones The new  Western Larch Seed Planning from June 2010 expanded in size and the LW1 and LW3 zones were combined into LW1.
June 2010 Seed Transfer Amendments to the Chief Forester’s Standards for Seed Use. Assisted Range and Population Expansion of Western Larch for Use as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy in British Columbia
June 2010 Seed Planning Zones Amendments to the Chief Forester’s Standards for Seed Use. Three new Western Larch Seed Planning Zone feature classes created and labelled LS1, LW2 and LW3.
November 2008 Seed Transfer Amendments to the Chief Forester’s Standards for Seed Use. Climate-based upward elevation changes.
June 2008 Seed Transfer Amendment to the Chief Forester’s Standards for Seed Use. Replacement of Section 8.8.
November 2006 Seed Transfer Amendments to the Chief Forester’s Standards for Seed Use. Included six amendments to the Appendices.
July 2005 Seed Transfer

Seed and Vegetative Material Guidebook – Update #9 (PDF, 33KB).

Amendment to grandfather the Pli Rocky Mountain Trench superior provenance.

June 2005 Seed Planning Zones Chief Forester's Standards for Seed Use SPZ Spatial Data file folder created on Tree Improvement Branch ftp site; SPZ digital boundaries saved under various file formats (shape, dbf, prn, geodatabase); including poster-sized Natural Stand SPZ Map (1:2M).
April 2005 Seed Transfer

Chief Forester’s Standards for Seed Use came into effect.
Seed and Vegetative Material Guidebook – Update #8 (PDF, 34KB)

Transfer limits in the guidebook and updates were all repealed and replaced with the transfer limits in the Chief Forester’s Standards for Seed Use.

April 2005 Seed Planning Zones The Chief Forester’s Standards for Seed Use – Appendix 2, lists Natural Stand Seed Planning Zones and Tested Parent Tree Seed Planning Zones. Appendix 2 states that all SPZ maps may be downloaded or viewed from the Land and Resource Data Warehouse (LRDW) website.
Two sets of digital SPZs stored in LRDW: Natural Stand SPZs and GRM SPZs; the GRM (Genetic Resource Management) SPZ terminology was used in SeedMap and the LRDW instead of “Tested Parent Tree SPZs” as the digital file also contains “Untested Parent Tree SPZs (Coastal)”. 
Natural Stand Coastal and Interior files were merged as one file in April 2005.
June 2004 Seed Planning Zones Natural Stand SPZ digital files became available in various formats.
January 2004 Seed Planning Zones SeedMap web application tool was developed for viewing GRM Seed Planning Zones and other spatial data.
September 2003 Seed Transfer

Seed and Vegetative Material Guidebook – Update #7 (PDF, 36KB)

Included changes to transfer limits for Pli and Ss superior provenances and addition of a new Yc superior provenance.

September 2001 Seed Transfer

Seed and Vegetative Material Guidebook – Update #6 (PDF, 38KB)

Included additions to superior provenance areas for Pli, etc.

September 2001 Seed Planning Zones

GRM Seed Planning Zone maps

Became available in pdf format (based on 1:500,000 BEC maps).

September 2000 Seed Transfer

Seed and Vegetative Material Guidebook – Update #5 (PDF, 35KB

Addition of Genetic Worth values to “select” seedlots and vegetative lots; addition of downward elevation limits for Class B seedlots.

September 1999 Seed Transfer

Seed and Vegetative Material Guidebook - Update #4 (PDF, 41KB)

Included changes to superior provenance designations.

September 1998 Seed Transfer

Seed and Vegetative Material Guidebook – Update #3 (PDF, 1.7MB)

Included changes to the seed planning zones following the Interior Seed Planning Review.  New orchard seed planning zones were created in the interior for Sx, Pli, Fdi, Lw and Pw seed produced in orchards (Appendix 3).  Appendix 4 contained images of the new zones.  Appendix 5 listed the cross references between biogeoclimatic zones and seed planning zones.

September 1998 Seed Planning Zones Poster-sized provincial BEC maps at 1:2,000,000 were available with mylar overlays for the new orchard seed planning zones and the existing natural stand SPZs (SPZ overlays for BEC map available in tif, dxf, cmx, prn formats).
The TIB Seed Planning Forester continued to provide hardcopies of 1:600,000 natural stand SPZ maps upon request.
August 1998 Seed Planning Zones

Interior Seed Planning Review (PDF, 27KB)

Results of an extensive review of interior seed planning zones for seed produced in orchards.

September 1997 Seed Transfer

Seed and Vegetative Material Guidebook – Update #2 (PDF, 92KB)

Included changes to the transfer of Class A seed, so that the elevation and latitude transfer limits would be defined by minimum and maximum values for each seed or vegetative lot.

May 1996 Seed Transfer

Seed and Vegetative Material Guidebook – Update #1 (PDF, 34KB)

Miscellaneous transfer guideline changes.

June 1995 Legislation The Forest Practices Code of B.C Act, Section 70(4)(c); Silviculture Practices Regulation – Part 2, Division 1, Reforestation Method provided the legal framework for the use and transfer of seed and vegetative material.
April 1995 Seed Transfer

“Forest Practices Code Seed and Vegetative Material Guidebook” was released to assist forestry practitioners meet the requirements of the Forest Practices Code with respect to collecting, using and transferring seed and vegetative material.

April 1995 Seed Planning Zones The Guidebook references the seed planning zone maps for the B.C. Interior consolidated in 1986 and for the Coast in 1989. Appendix 3 shows locations of SPZ boundaries in a graphic image. For 1:600,000 maps, the Guidebook stated "It is recommended that all forestry practitioners obtain detailed SPZ maps for their operating areas. These are available through the nearest regional or district office or from the seed planning forester."  Coastal seed planning zones were Identified on 1:500,000 Coastal BEC maps.  Appendix 4 listed the BGC zones and subzones within each coastal seed planning zone.
June 1993 Seed Transfer Interim revisions were made to “Interior Seed Transfer Guidelines for Cone Collection and Seedlot Selection (PDF, 444KB)” 
July 1990 Seed Transfer Coastal Seed Transfer Guidelines (PDF, 774KB)” was released by Silviculture Branch.
August 1989 Seed Planning Zones Coastal seed planning zones (PDF, 39KB) were consolidated into 3 zones, with zone boundaries based on biogeoclimatic information. Maps of the coastal seed planning zones were available in hard copy format at a scale of 1:500,000, using Albers Equal projection.
July 1989 Seed Transfer Interior Seed Transfer Guidelines for Cone Collection Planning and Seedlot Selection (PDF, 802KB)” after an extensive review of progeny and provenance trials.
July 1987 Seed Transfer Seed Planning Zones and Transfer Guidelines for Interior Spruce and Lodgepole Pine (PDF, 1.3MB)” was released by Silviculture Branch to assist silviculture staff in selecting appropriate seedlots.
September 1986 Seed Transfer Coastal Douglas-fir Seed Zones and Seed Transfer Rules (PDF, 139KB)” memorandum released to Ministry staff.
December 1986 Seed Planning Zones Interior seed planning zones (PDF, 949KB) were consolidated into seven southern zones and 14 central-northern zones after an extensive review lead by Silviculture Branch, Ministry of Forests. Maps of the B.C. interior seed planning zones were available in hard copy format at a scale of 1:600,000, using UTM grid. The seed planning zone boundaries were based on a mix of ecological information, heights of land and administrative (Forest District) boundaries.
May 1974 Seed Planning Zones Forest Tree Seed Zones (PDF, 1.6MB) were created for British Columbia. A total of 67 numerical seed zones within 8 regions were delineated to guide seed collections. These seed zones provided a reference for foresters, but there were no legal obligations.
1962 Seed Planning Zones Seed collection zone map (PDF, 623KB) for Douglas-fir delineated seven seed zones for the coast and interior.
1946 Seed Planning Zones Initial seed zones in B.C. were delineated only for Vancouver Island and the south coast mainland.