Cone and seed processing

Last updated on March 18, 2022

Processing involves detailed seedlot evaluation, cone conditioning, seed extraction from cones (cone processing) and removal of debris and non-viable seed (seed processing).

Cone and seed process

The process from cone collection to new trees is:

  1. Cone collection
  2. Post-collection and handling
  3. Cone processing
  4. Seed processing
  5. Testing
  6. Storage
  7. Pretreatment
  8. Sowing

General processing guidelines

In all phases of cone and seed processing, Tree Seed Centre technicians:

  • Monitor relative humidity, temperature, air movement and cone and seed quality, moisture contents and readiness for subsequent seed processing steps
  • Thoroughly clean and inspect equipment between seedlots
  • Protect the seedlot against over-handling and contamination from other seedlots
  • Ensure end product is at least 97% pure, within a range of 4.0 to 9.9% moisture content and contains optimum levels of filled seed
  • Maintain and track individual seedlot or family lot identity

Contact information

Refer to the Tree Seed Centre contact list to find out who to contact for specific information. Call or email the Tree Seed Centre for general enquiries.