Field forms and software

Last updated on July 26, 2023

VRI field forms

Field data collected using field recorders/Ministry data collection software is the preferred method of collecting and validating data in the field.  For several sample types, all data can be collecting using a field recorder, but in some cases, field forms must be used as data collection software does not exist.  New tools are currently being developed to allow for field collection and validation of all ground sample types.

Hard copy field forms are no longer being printed.  You can go to the Field Forms page to download and print as needed.

VRI field data collection software

New tools are currently being developed to allow for field collection and validation of all ground sample types, including photo interpretation ground calls. 

Download the sample data collection software.

VRI photo interpretation/update software (VegCap)

This software is a copy of the Vegetation Resource Inventory Management System (VRIMS) VegCap.  It is used by VRI Phase 1 contractors to validate their phase 1 deliverables prior to submitting the files to the Ministry for integration.

Download the software.

Growth and yield modelling software

The latest versions of the Ministry-supported growth and yield models, TIPSY and VDYP7, as well as site index prediction software SiteTools and SINDEX.DLL are available.

Download the software.

Permanent sample plot software

GyHost/GyHand software version 2002 is the Growth and Yield Permanent Sample Plot's (PSP) field data collecting, editing and reporting system. The GyHand software allows the user to collect and edit field sample data on the handheld computer while the GyHost Software transfers, edits and reports on the data using a personal computer. 

Download the software.