British Columbia Strategies

Last updated on February 15, 2023

B.C. government strategies to achieve key missions.

BC Procurement Strategy

The BC Procurement Strategy aims to make it easier for companies to do business with government and provides best value and increased benefits for British Columbians.

Explore how government is improving procurement

Broadband B.C.

Network BC builds partnerships to improve high-speed Internet connectivity in British Columbia. 

Learn about broadband in B.C.


Creative Economy

A commitment to recognize the arts and culture sector in B.C. by the B.C. government and its independent creative agencies.

Read about the creative economy in B.C.

Emerging Economy Task Force

Examines the current state of B.C.’s economy with a view to providing analysis and advice on emerging trends, including transformative technologies and innovations that will change the nature of business and society over the next 5, 10 to 25 years. 

Learn more about the Emerging Economy Task Force

Justice & Public Safety Sector Digital Strategy

The 2019/20 Digital Strategy for the justice and public safety sector is driven by a vision of a sector working collaboratively and innovatively to provide increasingly accessible, timely and trusted justice and public safety services to all British Columbians. The primary audience for this strategy is our partners in the justice and public safety sector like law enforcement and Crown agencies, as well as vendors who deliver IM/IT systems.

Mental Health and Addictions Care

A Pathway to Hope:  A roadmap to making mental health and addictions care better for people in B.C., sets out priority actions over three years and a long-term vision to transform the province’s mental health and substance use care system.

Read the roadmap for making mental health and addictions care better

Poverty Reduction Strategy

TogetherBC, British Columbia’s first poverty reduction strategy, sets a path to reduce overall poverty in B.C. by 25% and child poverty by 50% by 2024.

Read how TogetherBC will lift tens of thousands of people out of poverty

Strategic Framework for Tourism

The 2019-2021 tourism strategic framework sets out a clear vision for a prosperous and sustainable tourism sector, in a way that distributes benefits to people throughout the province.

Learn more about B.C.'s vision for a strong, sustainable tourism sector.

Strategic Partnerships

Strategic Partnerships Office leads the management of the Province’s multi-billion dollar portfolio of strategic vendor contracts by aligning and optimizing the outcomes.

Have a look at how better deals with higher value are being made.

StrongerBC Economic Plan

The StrongerBC Economic Plan is a plan for today and a vision for tomorrow, designed to meet the challenges of our time by achieving two big goals – clean and inclusive growth – to create a more prosperous B.C. for generations to come. It addresses today’s challenges by closing the skills gap for people and businesses, building resilient communities, and helping businesses and people transition to clean-energy solutions while helping fill job openings.

StrongerBC Economic Plan

Transportation Strategies

Identifying actions to make life more affordable, deliver better services, and invest in a sustainable economy.

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Strategies