Managing problems with an employee

Last updated on April 3, 2024

Problems in the BC Public Service workplace may be related to attendance, behaviour or performance. Some problems may require a response that follows a formal procedure, while others can be dealt with less formally.

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For advice on the best approach to take when responding to a problem, contact AskMyHR (IDIR restricted). Submit a service request using the categories Myself (or) My Team/Organization > Workplace Disputes & Conflicts > Other Issues & Inquiries.

Regardless of the severity of the problem, your role as a supervisor or manager is to:

  • Define and communicate expectations for employees
  • Provide the appropriate tools and support  
  • Act fairly and in a timely fashion when expectations are not being met

When you have a concern about an employee

Several procedures and policies are in place to deal with workplace problems.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Collective agreements
  • The Standards of Conduct
  • Human resources policies

Legislation such as the Employment Standards Act, the Labour Relations Code and the Human Rights Code also govern workplace interactions.

With some of these procedures and policies, a problem with an employee may lead to disciplinary action. However, a different approach may also be appropriate. The approach you take depends on the issue and whether it is culpable or non-culpable, minor or serious.

To learn about processes that help you manage employee misconduct in the workplace, visit:

When an employee raises a concern

As a supervisor or manager, an employee may approach you if they are concerned about a workplace issue or management decision. Encourage them to discuss their concerns with you. Supervisors have a responsibility to consider all issues and concerns brought to their attention by their employees and to follow up as appropriate.

For tips on how to build and maintain relationships, visit Managing relationships with employees.